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It is night time. Sadly, there were parts of the theater that had not escaped destruction.

There is such a thing as 'too much understatement', Ogami.


Wait, are you kidding me?


... but... but debris was flying everywhere.


Thankfully, no one was injured.


The entire ceiling fell down on a section of the audience, and I swear that I saw a few boulders and pillars fell onto that front row over the-




B-but I'm pretty sure that I heard screams of pain and saw miniature explosions of blood and gor-




But... all you guys did was sweep the bodies underneath the stage?!


THANKFULLY, NO ONE WAS INJURED. Trust me, Ensign, we're government. We can get away with this, trust me.


... damn. And all perpetrated by one seventeen-year-old swordswoman, too.



This is not something that can be resolved by a simple "I'm so sorry." We have yet another performance tomorrow. I demand that you fix this all tonight!


You can't be serious...

We're in Tokyo, they've got construction crews that are able to rebuild a week's worth of giant monster rampaging within the space of an hour. I'm sure we can work something out with them.


Hey now... all of this isn't just Sakura's responsibility, right?

The stage crew has yet to answer for rigging everything up to the curtains, after all.

... 'course, if there's one thing Sumire takes seriously, it's performing.

And it appears that she's spitting mad. So much for her going soft.




Well? How about it?


Why I oughtta... I should fire back with an awesome retort, just to show her who's boss around these here parts!
... a boss other than Maria!


Yeah, well, uh,


Maybe I WILL do it! OH!! HOW ABOUT -THAT-?!


... wait.




I understand. I'll do it. I DO have some measure of responsibility in this as well.


... like winning at Koi Koi and getting her so horribly pissed off that her blind rage caused her to slaughter an untold number of audience members BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT.








Oniichan, you're so cool!



No, but no thanks to Ogami's big mouth, he can't really back out now, can he?


Aah. Everyone's got to be tired from the play, so I'll just do it through the night.

Whyyyyyyy SAVE ME

(Oddly enough, Kohran's trust level doesn't go up.)

... unhelpful child. s-stop pointing Jean-Paul and his dead, forsaken eyes at me

And the screen fades to black as Jean-Paul stares at you with her large soulless eyes. Waiting... waiting... waiting...

Eventually, Ogami wakes up alone and in a pool of his own tears, and decides to get to work.

Well, yes, that might have something to do with your hammering one single crate for the past couple of hours.


Doesn't look like I'll be able to finish this on my own... well, guess I'll try doing as much as I can.

.... your inability to finish everything could be related to the fact that the entire stage is not made of crates, Ogami.

Regardless, after hours and hours of making crates, Ogami was able to fashion a makeshift mannequin of his favorite pilot... and then he brought it to life!


Wha...? SAKURA's my favorite pilot?! N.... n-n-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~!!!


... oh, whew, this is the REAL Sakura, not some figment of my innermost desires.


Huh? Sakura-kun... what's wrong? At this late an hour.


I'm sorry, Ogami-san. It's all my fault that things have turned out like this...


No, it's alright. Someone has to do this, after all.


... preferably, someone other than me.


good god I don't even care if my stalker alarm is going off FUCK YES

Now I can finally guilt-trip her and fob all the work off on Sakura!


Sure, by all means. Could you help me build this entirely useless crate repair this broken set?

Yes! All alone with Ogami-san! In a mostly-empty empty theater! With no witnesses and a bevy of weapons close at hand!


But whatever! We're finally going to get some stuff done!

And by 'stuff done', I mean 'we now have two people hammering nails into the same crate'. MARVELOUS~!

T-this is not very reassuring, coming out of my team's swordswoman.


I'm envious of how people like you and Maria-san are able to keep it together.


That's not the case at all. I also trip a few times myself, every now and then.


Really? But that's great.

No it's not. D:


Somehow, that's a relief to me.
That's right! Ogami-san, you're still going to keep working... right?


.... eh? ... aah, that's right.


O-oi, Sakura-kun! .... she left.

... congrats, you just got stood up!


.... it can't be helped. Guess I'll continue the repairs.

--- VIDEO FMV! ---

Midnight Visitor! Which will be covered below as well, but.






Quick, press 'A' to blow on it and mend the broken bone!

And then comes the mysterious voice.




Cool, Sakura came back wearing a hot military uniform for no apparent reaso-

- oh.


Are you hurt?

-- she said, kneeling down and reaching towards Ogami's hand.

Free heal! Free heal!


Ah, er, uhm...


You're an odd one, aren't you?

What tipped you off, lady? His constant refusal of a free heal or his belief that everything in the theater's performance is made up of crates?

So without any further ado, the woman took his hand and reached for some bandages-

- bandages-

- bandages-

-bandages finger fellatio-

... crates to rebuild a complex stage, and saliva to set a broken fingerbone? I know it's the 1920's, but JESUS CAN'T THESE PEOPLE DO ANYTHING RIGHT


My Mr. Raperaperaperaperapebutterape Machine works just fine!

Thank you, Kohran, we know. We know this all too well.

I think we can take this utterly shocked reaction to mean that there was tongue involved.

Also, the whole 'opens her eyes and looks up from below' thing proves that there IS such a thing as innuendo overkill.

Granted, it's horribly effective in this case, but STILL.

But at least she's done!

Was that as good for me as it was for you?


... y, yes. It, it doesn't hurt anymore.


It's good of you to do your best, but don't overdo it, okay....?


Y... yes.

And with that, the mysterious woman walks away. I'm sure that we're never going to see her again, or that she'll be any way crucial to Ogami's growth as a man captain of the Flower Division.


She's... so pretty.
I... I wonder who she was? ... that woman...

... shit, now I know what kind of mind-melting, braincell-killing hell Sakura and all of them must go through whenever they go all HURR DURR for Ogami.

That woman is the anti-Ogami.

Well, I wonder when Sakura's going to-



Owowow~! W, who's there?! Who's pinching my back!


... huh?


It sure looks like you were having fun, weren't you?


-- why does she even care? Why does it even matter? What did he even DO to deserve this? THAT woman violated HIS finger, not the other way around!

... that sounds bad, let's just move on.


N... no, er...


How nice; you're almost like lovers.


If we were lovers, she'd be doing MORE than just sucking on my finger!!


... like...?




... like...?




Y, you've got to be kidding me... a girlfriend, you say...


Stop her! Stop her before she destroys the REST of the theater with a well-placed trip!


Aah... she left.

Congrats, you really DID get stood up.


The previous scene in video form.



.... huh? This is-


This means... could it be that she made it for my sake?

If the Mysterious Older Woman hadn't shown up:


Ogami-san! Sorry to keep you waiting.


S-Sakura-kun! That lunch... you made it for me...?


No, silly, I'm just going to eat it while I sit here and watch you work.


I... what.


Good luck, Ogami-san! Mmmph, oh my god, this'sh SO GOOD~! It'f too bad that you can't take time off to eat thiff, Ogami-ffan~!


I hate you so much.

Hells yeah I'm going after her, I'm not letting this degenerate into some kind of cliched wacky romance anime "oh she misunderstood me but I'm not going to do a thing about it and let it get out of hand and then tell her the truth when it's the most inconvenient time for both of us" hijinx.

... I already got enough of that in the third Pirates movie.


I'm going to Sakura's room. No matter what happens, it'll be rude to Sakura if I just leave it like this.

It's more the other way around, but okay! Glad you're feeling overly responsible for everything, as usual something, Ogami.

So he broke the ceiling, piercing through the heavens with his mighty hair and landing in front of Sakura's room.


... here, I've arrived. I wonder... if Sakura-kun's in?


Hmmm.... it's already this late, what should I do....

Well, if she's alseep, I'll just have to punch through her door and drag her out of bed kicking and screaming about rape which'll send everyone else running to kill Ogami and he'll get fired and it'll be a game over.


Full speed ahead!!


No, that won't do. If I don't get this resolved here and now....



Yes..... who is it?

You'd THINK that the happy funny answer is the right one.  It isn't.  So instead, we have to go


Um.... it's Ogami.



... he said, feigning regret for a crime that he was not guilty of.


... in any case, please come in.


..... sorry for the intrusion.




Er, um...

... more direct, less fail


.... what is it?

Fuck explanations or confrontations. It's non-sequitur time: I'm thanking you for the meal, and then I'm outta here.


... thank you for the packed lunch. I just wanted to say my thanks.
You went to that much trouble to make it for me... I'm sorry.


It's super-effective!


I'm sorry. I got too obstinate, and...


Even so.... I wonder who that woman was?


I wish I could say that I had the honor of making this decision, but Ogami spouted it all on his own.

He predicted exactly what I wanted to say. I'm so proud~

... 'course, I should probably run.


Ah, no, it's nothing. O, okay then, I'll be going back now.


... thanks for your hard work today. Good night, Ogami-san.

Beneath her thin veneer of hospitality, Sakura raged. Ooh yes, she will get her revenge when Ogami least expects it.

Awesome! Now that that's settled, we can just forget all about fixing the stage.

Fuck yes.

Back at Ogami's Humble Abode:


Whew... today was a difficult day, huh. I'll sleep easy tonight.
Even so... that woman... I wonder who she was.

's only the twentieth time you've wondered that in the past ten minutes, man.


It's good of you to do your best, but don't overdo it, okay....?

... how convenient, they're both lines you might hear when she's sucking on DELICIOUS CAKE I MUST EAT IT


Beyond all expectations, this turned out to be the longest, most strenuous night that Ogami had ever experienced.


A very, very long night.


And an even longer day, it seems.

... what the hell.


... if she was inside the theater that late, maybe she's with the Operetta Troupe...
But, I've been here for about a month... I hadn't even met her once...
Haah.... I want to meet her once more...

... he's caught it. I didn't think it was possible, but he's caught his own disease. That mysterious woman is frighteningly powerful. Hell, I'm sure that even Sakura wouldn't spend all her time spacing off and fantasizing about Ogami like that.

Yes, I know that I'm probably being too optimistic here, but LET ME HAVE MY FANTASIES OF SANITY

Sakura seems awfully chipper in pushing everyone to repair the aftermath of ALL HER FAULT.


What's up, Sakura-han? Y'all seem t' be in awfully high spirits, aren't 'cha.


Hmph... have you not learned from your mistakes yesterday, I wonder?


I feel a powerful rival force undoing what progress I've made in his brainwashing.




Last night, He was repairing the stage until it becacme late, so... let's let him sleep in a bit.

Besides, it's not like they really WANTED him there, since all he did was make this big pile of wooden boxes that they had to find some way to discreetly dispose of.


Not another park! Those fiendish bastards and their hatred for largely unpopulated spaces!!


Flower Division personnel, please gather in the command room with haste.



'Ere we go, boyz, it'z time fer shooty an' choppy!! WAAAAAAAAUGH~~!!

They show the dust-chute movie again, so I'm just going to link to the video and leave it at that.


How do they not die?


Aah... what a wonderful sight. Five pilots ready to murder the hell out of some demons.


Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division, launch preparations completed!

... where in the name of all things good and holy have YOU been while all this crap's been happening?

I mean, aside from dumping the theater's supply of alcohol down your throat.


If I recall correctly, that's where Imperial Capital Tower had just been built.



Everythin' from th' army's encoded transmissions to teatime radio shows will get knocked right out!

Oh ho, an actual goal on the evildoers' parts? I'm impressed.


But sir, if you consider the distance from here to Shiba Park, using our Koubu, there's no way we can make it there in time...



H-how the fuck many vehicles do you guys HAVE down here? Next you're going to tell me that we have spaceships or motorcycles or segways.


If we can call in airstrikes, I will be a very happy person.






Iris, yer Koubu is almost done, so jes' hang on tight here.


.... okay.

... the end is nigh.


I'll show my cute Koubu t' everyone! A'right, Ogami-han, jes' give th' order t' move out!!


I got it!


Imperial Assault Force Flower Division, go forth! Our destination is Shiba Park!





We're about to go launch ourselves into what will potentially become a dangerous combat zone.

[i]Where did this come from.


Of course! It suits you really well.


.... okay! Everyone, board your Koubus! Prepare to sortie!

Even with the circumstances in mind, I love how he just changes the subject so goddamn fast.

Time to watch Sakura jump into her Koubu again!


You will watch this and like it, dammit.


And of course...

----:siren: NEW FMV :siren:----

Gigantic blimp, go forth and destroy!


(Reads: LAUNCH)

And Kasumi yells for all citizens to evacuate WHILE they start uprooting homes, shops, and the busiest street in Asakusa. Her tardy warning comes too late to save the tens of hundreds of people shopping, strolling, or simply living along the unfortunate street.

But that's okay, we're government~!

With the trillions of feet underground that they have for this kind of stuff...

Well, storing an enormous flying fortress of doom isn't a half-bad use for it.


-- fuck yes.

This behemoth is probably the reason why real estate prices in the area are so cheap.

Also, the eyecatch screen! You can save, you can view stats, etc.

And this is the stats screen. I don't really want to mar the pretty text with my MS Paint skills, so here we have it. Sakura's reads something like "So-So Motivation", while the other three read "Fully Motivated!"- more or less the inverse of last battle's standings, where Sakura was drooling all over Ogami while the others just sort of went "meh".

In the lower-left hand corner is Ogami's personality bar. Red, Blue, and Yellow tallies are added up-

- it's Wood. And Ogami's abilities are climbing! Woohoo!

A more in-depth explanation of the bonuses given to each pilot. Kohran's violation of Ogami's private space gave her a HUGE boost- 8 to attack, 7 to defense, and 1 to movement, which is big, since a pilot's stronger stats cap at about the low 20's. Sumire's pool escapades sets her close behind, while Maria and Sakura are borderline "meh."

So that's about that! Next update is the second battle, and the debut of Kohran's Koubu.

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