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Update's definitely coming tomorrow, as I've gotten the layout and the majority of the screenshots down pat.

EDIT: lol, desecrating the sanctity of a new page with filler. FUOOOOOO~

Rollersnake posted:

I like Sumire quite a bit more after this update, but I'm still keeping Maria as my #1 vote. Also, this is turning out to be a much better game than I thought it'd be. Atlus or someone seriously needs to bring these over here, although I guess it's a bit late for that now.

I think someone had been intending to bring the Sakura Wars series over ever since it made its 1996 debut on the Sega Saturn, but they never got around to it due to the industry's whole "oh god quirky 2D Japanese RPGs and anime stylings are the devil".

Atlus is a solid company and all, but I have my misgivings about what they'd do to Sakura Wars in light of how they market their localizations of lesser-known titles, and some of the arbitrary changes they've made between Japanese and English covers.

I'm certainly jaded, but since Sakura Wars is, at its core, a campy dating sim series that's not too well-known in the US, I'd just be filled with dread over the possibility that we might end up with this.

BlondRobin posted:

Also yeah Sumire seems like quite the sweetie here; definately looking promising on her end, given that for all that she's a little quirky she's still yet to strap Ogami to a crucifix and "test" him for "science." (and neither is she blond pedo-bait! Or a crazy jealous stalker!) We'll see, though. I'm not doubting this game's ability to make anyone into a crazy whackjob after that last bit.

I'm personally convinced that Sumire's ALREADY a crazy bitchy whackjob FAIR ENOUGH

Dominic Hokage posted:

I didn't know they had skimpy bathing suits back in the '30s.

Just chalk it up to another innovation based around the wonder that is steampunk-style steam power.

novaSphere posted:

Wait, were they even in the game? I remember them being in the original Hanagumi but not if they were in the first game. Are you referring to someone else? There's too many good characters in this series :/

 We're talking about Kanna.


Also, Orihime and R/L/R/L/Reni make their grand debut in Sakura Wars 2. 

Verbose posted:

Gonna have to agree with Rollersnake here, Sumire is making a very strong #2 or #1 pinch hitter. She's got a personality, she's loaded, she's attractive, she has money, she's rich.... lotta good qualities there.

True enough. For all that she boasts, Sumire can certainly back up her smack-talking!

Semiru posted:

Oh man, this was the most hilarious update yet. Not moving away from Team Maria just yet, but Sumire is certainly showing a nicer side

Hey, I live to suffer Iris for you entertain.

... one unexpected advantage to making an LP for Sakura Wars is being able to see everyone's tastes AND to gauge how popular opinion sways towards each character.

I'm also looking forward to the explosion of posting that'll occur when I ask people to do the Final Vote.

Greaseman posted:

The sheer will of the Sumire Army pushes you in this direction, regardless of your intentions.

I'm going to be tossed around like a leaf in a whirlwind ANYWAYS. The combined might of the Sumire's Devoted Fans, Kohran's Mekboys, and Maria's Disciples will see to that.

Fallen One posted:

I decided to step out of lurkerdom to express my appreciation for this thread. I have always wanted to play these games but am not nearly fluent enough in Japanese to do so. Your translation and excellent commentary has made this one of my favorite LPs ever. Please keep up the good work!

Oh, and the last update has solidified my spot on the Sumire bandwagon.

Awww, thanks! Glad you're enjoying the thread- and if you're as much of a colossal dork as I am, all it takes is time, practice, and more JRPGs than you can shake a stick at to improve your Japanese.

Vote noted!

Rose wood posted:

Everyone's focusing on Sumire, but there was another major breakthrough that update too!

Maria gave you mild approval! Mild approval!!


Holy mother of fuck, you're right AND I DIDN'T EVEN THINK TO WRITE COMMENTARY FOR THAT

Granted, she probably has every right to be impressed because she threw Ogami TO THE WOLVES.


Okay, here's how you walk. Here's how you attack. Now go to it, don't ask me anymore questions, and leave me the hell alone, I'm going to go shoot everything in the face now.


... M-Maria, you don't need to aim at every takoyaki stand you see-



Sindai posted:

Sumire may be sweet all of a sudden, but it made her all unfunny. Now she's almost as oozy and saccharine as Sakura. Unless she gets bitchy again it's Kohran all the way.

Does a fish love water? Does a horse shit in the streets? Does a barnyard fowl tilt its head up with its mouth open when it rains, putting it in imminent danger of drowning? Do dogs sniff each others' asses?

CannonFodder posted:

I can't believe I read the whole thing.

Thanks for this LP with handy translations. I was going to vote Maria, then vote Kohran (until she went and did the mad scientist Washuu thing, complete with lights around the head) but now I gotta vote Sumire. She's loaded, stacked and loaded. And maybe she'll move faster on the battlefield now that she's full of BURNING PASSION.

Glad you're liking it! And hey, at least you managed to read through the whole thing while the LP is still relatively young. I imagine it'd be harder to read it in one sitting once the thread fills up with the game's later chapters.

Sumire's burning passion IS fairly awesome.

Cheeseball IV posted:

You need to go for the obsessive chick who totes around a sword. Then dump her.

If I do that and trigger Sakura's undying wrath, THEN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE WILL DIE.

Bimbpy posted:

I cast a vote for Iris, because watching others suffer pleases me greatly.


Pythian_Habanero posted:

Can there be some kind of "everybody EXCEPT Iris" option? I mean. Sumire has cleavage, so obviously I like her. Maria's just awesome because she's a manly Russian sniper badass. Sakura kills things with swords, which makes up for her creepy stalker tendencies, and Kohran is an exploding nerd who really reminds me of Agatha Clay from Girl Genius. Only Southern.

...okay, looking at all the above choices, I gotta say my vote's with Kohran. Never mind.

Just as well, 'cause there's no harem ending. I really don't want to see how that'd end up turning out.

You can't go wrong with the techie!

Canuck-Errant posted:

Well, I guess I'll stick with Maria, but move a backup vote to Sumire. Though... hey, what are the tallies up to now, anyway?

To be quite honest, hell if I know. I haven't been keeping an official tally of people's votes for a while now. All I remember are the Big Three- Maria, Sumire, and Kohran, roughly in that order (though the first two may be neck-to-neck at this point).

'Sides, I figure that quite a few peoples' opinions may end up shifting as we work through the chapters, and I'm already toying with the idea of asking for formal votes once we get to certain parts in the game.

Glazius posted:

Have I mentioned how much I love these little asides? You're beautiful, kid, never change.

Thanks! Those are probably my favorite part of writing this LP, so I'm glad to see that you're liking 'em so much.


Anything less than a full-body swimsuit, possible with a risible stripe pattern, is fairly anachronistic... at least outside of Japan.

INSIDE of Japan...

Well, I present the following for the edification and of all concerned.



Is it really a month between "episodes"? That makes the whole trust system kind of double-weird, since you get all this in a single day.

One can only imagine what Ogami's diary looks like.

(Day Three)
- Took tickets. Did nothing.

(Day Four)
- Took tickets. Found an interesting pattern in my belly-button lint.

(Days Five to Thirty-Three)
- Took tickets. Did nothing.

(Day Thirty-Four)
- ... met Kohran, impressed Maria and Sakura, impressed Kohran, got stuck doing vouchers for like eighteen hours, got violated by Kohran, met Iris in her room, talked to Maria on the porch, swam with Sumire, molested saved Sumire in the bath....


[Ogami] It's almost as if some external force which desperately desires to see girls naked is taking control of my body!

That sounds like a good introductory line to a sex ed video, where the narrator cuts in with something like "That, my boy, is PUBERTY! Now we'll be taking you on a magical journey where you will undoubtedly learn everything you need to know about what's happening to your body!!!", etc.


Is THAT where that meme came from?

I don't know, and I'm pretty sure that I never want to know. "It comes from 4chan" is usually good enough.


Yeah, somebody from the future's going to show up with a dart gun to peg Ogami because he was single-handedly responsible for a destructive population explosion.

Just as long as he doesn't eventually wake up in a tub full of ice with a mysterious ache in his crotch...


While it must be hard to edit the screens for these LPs, moments like these must make it all worthwhile.

You betcher boots.


The cursor has its own little facial expressions.


Well, it's no thanks to me in particular still carrying a torch for the original but, congratulations.

Don't you worry, Maria will have her time in the sun.

Bimbpy posted:

Also, the Orky Koubu is made of pure awesome.

Kohran was so a Mekboy in some previous life. LESS CHOPPY, MORE SHOOTY

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