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The epilogue!

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I-I couldn't get my vengeance... c-c-curse your rotten hide, Kirishima. You win.




You're bleeding pathetic!!




You're a goddamn pig! A pig who leaks more fire than a lava hippo with explosive diarrhea! You're sitting on a gold mine of amazingly ridiculous puns, man!


Ah, I WAS wondering why this battle seemed so boring...


Honestly. What sort of thoughtless villain fails to engage in witty repartee with his opposition?


"No one's gonna save YOUR bacon!" "Who's for dinner NOW, punks!?" "I'll cook you all like sausages!" ... just thinking about all the wonderful, horrible things you could've said is enough to leave me in tears!


B-b-but what about my vengeance!?


What about it?


I... I...




... that was pretty brutal, guys.


It really was, Captain. He didn't even give us a last witty statement before going boom.


I... yes. Yes, that's EXACTLY what I meant, Kanna. Now where were we again?



We're counting on you, Jinbu!! That's right! Kohran... you're in charge of the usual!


Victory pose...



... well, now we know what the cover of a mecha magazine would look like: it'd be the sort of pinup you'd see on the cover of a car magazine. Though the women would, of course, be wearing much less.

And since this IS an anime game, time passes just fast enough to give our heroes a dramatic backdrop against which they can pontificate.


No, I don't know how Ayame got there, either. What WOULD we do without her and her penchant for popping into random scenes to provide us with asinine information and her that vaguely pastry-like non-Euclidean hairstyle easy-on-the-eyes-ness of hers?


... please don't say things like that right after we actually succeed at not failing. It makes me feel like we're about to get a horribly game-changing plot twist out of left field.


Aw, c'mon, Ogami-han! Lighten up! What's th' worst that could-




Wha... o-oh man, sorry 'bout that. I dunno WHAT came over me there!


Now, now. All's well that ends well- is that not the case?


Has it, now?






Our true battle... it starts from here on out.


See? THAT'S the kind of note we should ALWAYS end this kind of scene on. Not TOO cheerfully victorious so as to avoid irony, but optimistic enough to show that we have at least a glimmer of hope.


That's goood to hear, my Lord! Now we won't have to worry about a thing, r-




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