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The second half of the boss battle! Y'know, what little of it isn't filled with lopsided curbstomping.

Youtube Link!


... but there's only one of you here, Mr. Piglet.


Shut up! I represent the might of the entire alliance!


I dunno... it looks an awful lot like they just hung you out to dry or somethin'.


Gahahaha! How could that possibly be the case!? We're all teammates! I asked that they stay back and let me fight this battle by myself, so that I might get my revenge on-


They agreed to it REALLY quickly, though, didn't they?


W-Well, yeah, but-


And none of them tried to talk you out of it or anything, probably 'cause you're nothing more than the usual disposable cannon fodder we've been fighting up until now?


No, but- SHUT UP AND DIE!!


... you really have a way with words, don't you, Kanna?


Hey, if it'll get the other guy to drop his guard, all's fair in love, war, and kicking 'em in the metaphoranalogical crotch!



The final attack's gonna suck a bit.


The vanguard of the world of fallen demons...


Exploding Flames! Field-Shredding Cannon Gale!!

And he shoves a tornado at them.

Sumire and Ogami take no damage, thanks to his fancy-pants guarding- and they're also unaffected by the status effect.

... though this means that Kanna and Maria are saddled with poison and take more than half damage. If they'd been using their original Koubu, they'd be dead in the water.

Inoshishi's NORMAL attack spread isn't that much better.

... though all it does is fire explosions at people.


And it doesn't look like your mobility will return if you don't use "heal."


You won't be able to move very much at all if you don't hurry up and heal each other. Please exercise caution!!


Right, I got it. We'll be careful from here on out!!


And by "be careful," I mean "make judicious use of inexplicable world-ruining power."


Crisis averted by a bear with an MD. Naturally, weirder things have happened, so it didn't take the Imperial Assault Force TOO too long to get used to the whole setup.

And now that SUMIRE can finally go, well.


BAM, poison.


W-W-W-What!? That's c-c-cheating, you s-s-sons of bitches!!


I- what the hell?


What's wrong, Piglet? Old speech impediment coming back?


S-Shut up! I-I am Piglet no longer, you little w-w-worm!!


Ha ha!




... why my brigade is filled with people who become so easily drunk on power?


More violence occurs.







The beginning of the end is ALWAYS Kanna's defense debuff. With that up...



... shit starts getting ridiculous.


And Sakura STILL has a good amount of gauge left to go to town on the poor barstud.

... as does Kohran.

And once we get to Maria, she's MORE than enough to end it in no time at all.

NEXT TIME: The chapter is over and absolutely nothing bad will happen in the near future, nosiree.

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