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The second half of the battle!

Youtube Link!

Hurray, hurray, it's our blushing Russian death-dealing commissar's turn!

... and, welp, just about the only thing she can shoot from here is a car.

On the other hand, her range IS long enough to shoot the turrent on the roof.


Wait... Maria, at that trajectory, wouldn't your bullets have to carve straight through the rest of the building to hit the turret?




We... should at least ACT like we're trying not to bust up this town any more than we have to. Could you move into a position where you WOULDN'T be blasting through the entire building?


Yes, I could.


Okay, then-


... however, Captain, you seem to have mistaken me for someone who cares.






... I... huh. The building's still standing.





And... and that was related to your training, was it?


Of course.




Are you just now noticing that by giving us time to hone our physics-shattering skills, you are allowing us to realize our potential as the biggest threat to our nation's survival?


Er, actually, I was more worried about the fact that you can now shoot into a crowd of people and hit me and only me.




What? You didn't think of- er, wait, forget I said anything!!


I must not abuse this power for my own enjoyment. I must not abuse this power for my own enjoyment. I must not-


Not much else happens- there aren't nearly enough Kouma running around any more to present an actual threat, and most of the video is just the entire brigade moving into position.

There ARE a few more highlights, though.

And by THAT, I mean "there are still a few more final attacks we haven't actually seen yet."



Kanzaki Whirlwind Style...


The flower's musical performance!



Dance of the Phoenix!



They did LAST time, didn't they?


Oh, that little skirmish? Meiji Shrine was merely a setback!


Sumire, Sumire! That was a phoenix, right?


But of course! After all, it is the only mythical creature that could accurately represent-


- the futility of trying to escape the tragic circle of pain-filled life and excruciating death by showing us a mythical bird, one that burns away its own flesh in a most horrific manner only to come back and do it all again in a stagnant, never-changing cycle?




Who let Iris get to the philosophy books?


Ahahaha, sorry, Iris probably started reading my pillows again.






I see. So your fighting style consists of healing yourself and hiding behind Kanna.


It's about right, though, isn't it?


... I... really cannot refute that.


Man, this shit's getting boring.


Wait, what're you-



K-Kanna!? Come back! I need you to be my meatshield!!


I'm creating drama!


WHAT? But the Kouma up there's going to-





... shoot me full of shit.


Damn, Captain, how the hell have you gotten WORSE at soaking up damage?


... I suppose this is where I'm going to have to step in once more.


Please save me, Maria.




... no, Maria, please shoot the Kouma, not the car.


But if we destroy the explosive car, the Kouma will get caught in its blast radius, saving us all a considerable amount of trouble.


But I'LL get caught up in it, too!


... and?




Alright, alright.




Surpassing the nights of previous battlefields...


To shine, here and now...!



Парк Випцой! (Immortal Glory!)



Well... that is certainly true- though you did nothing but nap, Iris.


Yup! Iris slept a lot! I'm still a growing girl, you know~!!
But you went out ALL the time. Where did you go, Sumire?


A child like you does not need to know. Grown-ups have their own circumstances to deal with.


Hmph! That's all you said, and you woudn't take me with you!!


Oh~ hoh hoh hoh! I shall gladly fill you in once this battle is over.


You absolutely will! That's definitely a promise, okay!?

Not long after THAT little exchange in which Sumire continues corrupting our already-corrupted youth, Sakura finishes off the final Kouma.

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