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Eventually, Ogami gets a move-on.

It looks like there's a scene of some sort in the courtyard smack-dab in the middle of the theater, but...


... nothing of value was gained Oh, it's Yuri.


Hi, did you come to see the stars as well, Yuri-kun?


Well, that too, but... it was mostly for a change of pace, I guess.
Ah... be careful if you go over there.


Hm....? Is there something over there?


Ha! Ha! Ha! Nothing at all! There's nothing behind those bushes over there!!


... Yuri, is that BLOOD on your shir-




There's a bird's nest there. The courtyard has a lot of bushes, so it's probably good for nest-making.


Next morning, Yuri had to be restrained by five people when she found Ogami eating scrambled sparrow eggs and fried sparrow.


... yup, there's no problem over here. Guess I should get going, too.

We still haven't finished checking out the basement, huh? We've still got some time left, so.

lol, I totally forgot to tell you guys that pressing the 'square' button zooms out and lets you see teh whole floor plan, as it were

We've already checked out the hangars, and I know for a fact that nothing of value is gained by going into the storage room, so I send Ogami to check out the command room (however good of an idea THAT will turn out to be).




The second Sumire opened her mouth, her wild, mambo-ish theme song started blaring.

I speak from experience when I say "that's never a good sign."


Aah. That's right, but...


Which means that you are accomplished at swimming, correct?


Yeah, totally, 'cause being in the Navy meant that I was in the water 90% of the time, tugging our boats along with ropes and trying not to get eaten alive by sharks.


... I do not appreciate your withering sarcasm, Ensign.


Actually, I'm being totally serious. I think my commander might've really hated my guts.


Well, that's correct in itself...

... alrighty then, I gue-


As endowed with beauty, virtue, cleavage, and wealth as I am, my one and only weakness is swimming....
Once I conquer this weakness, I will have achieved absolute perfection!


If there's one thing that can be said about Sumire, it's that she's got a fairly ludicrous amount of expressions.


Ah, aah... it's fine with me, but... um, Sumire-kun...

Clearly, Ogami has been struck dumb by Sumire's long-winded ego-stroking beauty and virtue and wealth.

(You can tell when I have some trouble translating things.)


Right then, Sumire-kun, I won't hold back! I'm not going to take it easy on you!!


I'm dropping you in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! You'll have to swim back by yourself!!


What?! But that's--


Trial by fire, woman! It's for your own good!!


You seem reliable, Ensign. I'm looking forward to our intensive training!
Let us aim for perfection! I leave this in your capable hands.


Aah, leave it to me!


.... huhuhnnhuh mnhuhuhuh, dude, she said 'intensive training'. Huhuhuh, mmmnhuhuh huh.


... I changed my mind, I'm going to go find Maria.


Huhuhnnhuh mnhuhuhuh, 'find Maria'. Huhuhuh.

Well, I guess some days...

It's good to be the Ogami.





YOU IDIOT~! You call that swimming?! Don't make me laugh!!


E-Ensign?! Wha-


SUMIRE!! You're not some cat drowning in a puddle!! Swim! SWIIIIIIM!!


... that's it, Ensign, no more Death Note for you.

... we can't actually see Ogami. For all we know, he could be wearing his uniform, or something like it.


... Manager Yoneda, have you seen my suitc-


Oh yeah, I had the girls throw it out while you were fightin' last time.


... sir, with all due respect, THE CLOTHES ON MY BACK ARE ALL THAT I HAVE LEFT.


Poppycock. Didja look in your closet? We got you new clothes more befitting your position!


They were ALL duplicates of my ticket-taking outfit.


Not exactly! You got one for every occasion now! Jammies, bathrobe, safe sex-


Cutting out the pant's crotch and laminating the rest doesn't count as-


We cut out the seat of your pants, as we-




- anyway, we even got you a swimshorts version! Try it out sometime!


I... y-yessir.




Y, yes'm...



Now, let's see what's going on in the command center and maybe press a few important-looking buttons that may or may not accidentally lead to the destruction of all of Tokyo.


Nothing, Ensign.... just watching the game, having a Bud. What's up with you?


Nothing... watchin' the game, having a Bud.


True. True.


I was thinking a little about last month's battle in Ueno Park.
As it was both the Flower Division's and your first battle, I've been reflecting on various points...
Is there anything that you would like to ask me about it, Ensign?




Within reason, yes.


Who destroyed the most Wakiji?


Technically, Sakura did. Her 'Ouka Houshin' was the decisive factor, I felt.


What did Sumire do?


Basically nothing, until we faced down the demon-driven soldier 'Kamui'. She was hampered by her inability to really move.


What does the name of your final attack translate as, anyway?


Something along the lines of 'Snowmaiden', based on a Russian folktale.










Maria, can I have some cover fir-




FUCK, I almost had you.


That's right... there might be methods of fighting that I personally still don't really understand yet.


The enemy's leader did take us by surprise, but your commands were admirable.


Thank you... I'll do my best from here on out, as well.


Furthermore, not one of our units was forced to withdraw last battle, so our situation remained ideal.
Next time, please continue to command us in a way that minimizes our damage taken, as well.

Believe me, I plan to. A KO'd pilot is a horribly unhappy pilot, after all.


Aah, good night. I'm counting on you next time as well, Maria.

... we'll see about THAT.


Not at all.... since that was your first battle, Ensign, I gave you my opinion this time, but...
In the end, the one who issues commands to the Flower Division is you, Ensign.
From here on out please make use of what experience you gain during battle and decipher it on your own.


Aaaand in any case, it's time to get back to makin' the rounds.

Not that we have much left to INSPECT at this point, since we only have ten minutes left on the clo-

Oh, hey, something's opened up in the baths.



Th.... these clothes, could it possibly be... it's Sumire-kun who's in the baths?!


She takes BATHS?! Jesus Christ, I'd... I'd just assumed that she shed her skin like a snake every night!

Must... resist...

Can't... resist... Fanservice sense... tingling...

... as you can imagine, that line becomes the series' staple during situations like these.



Wh, what?!

OH SHIT, SUMIRE SAW ME?! There's only one thing to do now:



Sumire-kun! I'm coming!!


Oh my.


“For every mountain there is a miracle.”
~ Robert H. Schuller

But that's enough of that. Apparently, Ogami's fanservice sense was one and the same as his danger sense! Huzzah! And hell, Ogami's job has finally borne melons fruit!


Wh, what-?!

Given that she's hurtling towards us courtesy of a misplaced bar of soap, I think we'd best catch her so she doesn't break her head on th-


Huhuhuh w-woman i-in a towel and b-b-b-b-boobs huhuhuh GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-GIGGITY-

.... on second thought....

I wait for the choices to change and for Ogami's expression to normalize.


Sumire-kun! I've got you!!

She's still flying towards him, how do they even have enough time to TALK?!


Alright, come on!!


... and fade to black?


... and... now there's... something big and sharp pressed up against my neck, because I apparently forgot to keep my internal narration to myself....


Got it in one, Ensign~



And why do you have that expression on y- why are my pants down around my ankles?!


Because there was delicious bread that needed eating.


Thank goodness... you've woken up, I see.
If you hadn't been able to wake up, Ensign, I...


... would have had to fake your suicide, and I did not wish to get blood all over my kimono.


Yeah, I guess that'd be a problem, 'cause it's the only thing you ever wea-




Sumire-kun.... what in the world did I...?

Which, I would assume, slammed HIS head against the floor.


Thank you very much. I shall never forget the favor that you've done for me for the rest of my life....

Hasn't it occured to you to ask WHY Ogami was anywhere NEAR the baths in the first place?


Now then, Ensign, please excuse me...


But... that soft sensation I felt that time, could it possibly have been Sumire-kun's...


.... stop thinking about it. I'm still in the middle of the nightly rounds. Now then, let's go somewhere else!!

Since there's really nothing left in the basement (and since we have five minutes left on the clock anyways, let's go back upstairs.

Er, wait, before that......

Why, it's Sumire!

... a Sumire that is fundamentally disturbing to me since I've almost never seen her act like this in any of my other playthroughs before, but it's Sumire nonetheless!!


......? What's up, Sumire-kun.


It appears that just now.... at the baths, I twisted my ankle...


I see...

(You'd also have to be an idiot to turn her down. )


Sure, no problem. Shall we go, then?

*choke* g-good lord




Um..... Ensign, I have one request...


.... what's up?

Please don't ask for milk delicious bread.


That I had fallen in the baths... please keep that a secret.


... I understand. Now then, let's get going. Here... hold on to my shoulder.


.... yes.

'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go...

... 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go...

... and 'ere's our stop.


See, we're here, Sumire-kun, so could you stop clinging across my shoulders, nibbling on my neck, and whispering sweet nothings into my ear? It's very ni- ... VERY distracting, and, and I think I might need an adult now.


... and maybe a change of pants.


In that case... I'll be returning to the nightly rounds. ... take care of yourself.

Kohran's antics have long made me paranoid of ANY such invitations, sadly.



(Top choice read "Well, how could I refuse...", bottom choice read "Sorry, I'm still in the middle of doing the rounds, so...")


W, well, how could I refuse...


Oh? ... Ogami-san?



Ogami-san.... what in the world are you doing in front of Sumire-san's room?


What the Ensign is going to do has nothing to do with you.


Er, um...

When all else fails, go with the moronic protagonist route!


Ah.... er, no, thi, this is...


Sakura-san. The truth is, the lamplight in my room has broken.
So I called the Ensign over, because I thought that he might be able to fix it.

... this sounds like the premise of a bad porno. "Baby, I'll change YOUR lightbulbs ANY day of the week... for free."


Oh my, but what could I possibly gain by making up a lie here?

Entrance into Ogami's pants, for one.


For our sakes, the Ensign has been working until it's become thi-s late, you know.


That's right, isn't it. I've misunderstood, haven't I. I'm sorry...




... this is actually a fairly nice advantage to having Sumire on your side.


Th, thanks.


Oh, no, that was nothing. Now then, please do come in.

On the plus side, at least Sumire isn't mooning over Ogami anymore.

Yet. :tinfoil:

.... where does she keep her clothes?

Click 'n look time, even though Sumire may or may not be behind Ogami, ready to brain him with a flowerpot isn't in the picture yet.


(... what a gorgeous bouquet.)

Not having enough of Ogami's wonderful floral descriptions, I click on the OTHER flowers.


(Still, they're gorgeous... I wonder if she received these from her fans?)

... I'm starting to get the impression that her family is so rich that they use money as toilet paper.


Even so, it's an amazing room...

Another advantage to having Sumire as a love interest: Ogami would gain access to Sumire's vast fortune.

... :signings:

Suddenly, Sumire is looking like a better and better alternative. :3:


(Maybe it's because she's in her own room, but Sumire-kun... seems a bit more relaxed.)

Hell, I'm happy that she isn't constantly making doe eyes at Ogami anymore. :gonk:

Durr hurr hurr, a-hurr hurr hu- :quagmire:

... naaaaah, I'll stick to talking.


Sumire-kun, why do you want to keep your training a secret?

Surprisingly, there are things that even Sumire doesn't want to boast to others about. Though she seems just fine with reminding everyone that she's well-endowed with beauty, wealth, and grace.

I try to talk with her again.




Huh. I never would've pegged Sumire as having such a romantic, poetic outlook on life.

Especially since her family's money pool could probably rival McScrooge's.



'Course, all of that was probably lost on Ogami. :doh:

Before either of them can say anything more, the clock sounds off.


They're going to switch off the power soon. It looks like my nightly rounds end here.


I was hoping that we would be able to take our time, but...


No, I enjoyed myself a lot. I even managed to get some good exercise in.

I, I...

Did Ogami just make a perverted statement? For the life of me, I can't tell. :gonk:

(Incidentally, Sumire's trust level spikes.)


Hahahaha..... good night.


This is probably the happiest I've gotten Sumire in all of my playthroughs. :pwn:


That's a wrap for this particular update!

Next time, well...

You'll just have to wait and see. :laugh: Update coming in roughly two days, give or take twenty-four hours!

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