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Glazius posted:

Intelligent, Russian, and gay as a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide?

I... uh...


Glaz posted:

Stop by the theater girls' stations tonight, see what they have to say! Maybe they'll give Ogami the monthly books as homework thank Ogami for freeing them up to go to the mysterious Flower Mansion!

Now that I've determined that whatever malaise Ogami has is horridly contagious, I'm afraid to go anywhere near them now.

(also, they'll probably just straight-up try to dress Ogami in Yuri's outfit and force him to take over for her at the secretarial office's desk or something)

Glaz posted:

I don't think those two are all that mutually exclusive.

I imagine that'd be how Yoneda would want to die: euphoric, totally smashed, and choking on his own spittle driving a car off a cliff piloting the Rolling Thunder.

Glaz posted:

Stupid Speculation Time, I have no idea whether I'm hitting the mark or not. Probably not.


Naturally, I can't comment.

Glaz posted:

I'm now seeing Kohran as being basically a Goblin Sapper mecha, whose only job is to run into a dense knot of enemies and EXPLODE VIOLENTLY.

And after every battle, she rebuilds. Better. Faster. With a larger blast radius.

Ironically, where most characters' Koubu's KO animation is simply falling over or slumping down, Kohran's Koubu just suddenly DETONATES IN A BURST OF FIRE AND SCRAP METAL.

Don't ask me how she survives.

Glaz posted:

Okay, we get it, the programmers are a bunch of for putting in these options and having Iris be all as a result. You can stop actually picking the options. It's freakin' me out, man.

That's about the last one I dare to use as an actual answer, mainly because they get creepier from here. Hell, the only reason I even PICKED this option was because 1) the FAQ confirmed that it wouldn't lead to Iris castrating Ogami with a flick of her mind, and 2) I was morbidly curious as to WHY it was marked down in the FAQ as raising Iris's trust level.

I'll probably slap some of them up as 'what ifs' for maximum , though.

Glaz posted:

I'm tellin' ya, man, Ogami's like PokeRus incarnate. KoubuRus? TaroRus?

Whatever it is, it saps the pilot's INT stat and replaces it with some sort of logic-devouring uber-libido.

Glaz posted:

Also, the MSPaints are totally freakin' awesome. You do them yourself?

Thanks! And yup. When and/or if I post pictures or comics that aren't mine (believe me, I found a ton of Japanese fanart material), I'll leave a footnote.

I sincerely doubt that interest in Sakura Wars and Warhammer 40k Orky stuff converges very often.

Rose wood posted:

I think someone hasn't learned their lesson yet




Gg... hhkkkggh....


(don't make me make Evil Iris icons)

Rose wood posted:

I liked the MSPaints though


Sindai posted:

That is pretty much exactly what I'm hoping for.

I'm convinced that Kohran would make an awesome Mekboy.


Rollersnake posted:

Jeeeeeeeeeesus Christ, the hitting on Iris is creepy. Like, seriously gave me chills here. They're not even being indirect about it anymore.

If I recall correctly... it keeps gets worse over a gradual period of time. It's as if the programmers were like, "Hey, let's not only appeal to the general audience, but let's use Iris as a heavy-handed attempt to appeal to the pedophilia crowd!!"

... granted, virtually every dating sim in human history has done just that by including a child character of some sort, but.

KnoxZone posted:

Again, your commentary has been amazing. Those MSPaints are just as good.

Glad you're enjoying it! MSPainting is pretty much the easiest way for me to doodle nowadays since class still isn't in session, depriving me of a handy notebook, a pencil, and an ample amount of time.

Greaseman posted:

Registered to say that I really appreciate your doing this. I'd given up hope of ever experiencing this game a long time ago, and the quality of this LP is great, besides.

Putting a vote in for Sumire. Her flaws seem harmless compared to the others; hell, getting drunk easily can be a plus.

I'm... ridiculously honored that my LP is worth the ten bux. Thank you! Who knows, you might even get five Sakura Wars out of the deal!

It appears that Sumire's star is continuing to rise. Vote noted!

EDIT: Update coming in a day or two!

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