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Alright, the one-man support group has finally reached the last nutcase heroine on the list.


Sakura-kun... why are you in a place like this?


Well... I felt uneasy when I wasn't doing anything...





... what costumes?


Really, didn't I just say how many costumes I've mended, Ogami-san? This whole pile!


You're pointing at thin air, Sakura-kun.


No I'm not! That's discrimination against imaginary friends!


... all play and no work makes Sakura a delusional psychotic, huh. Remind me never to let you have free time ever again.





Next time... we will definitely win. Because we must protect the peace of the Imperial Capital!

Of course, we've got to pick the answer choice that has very little to do with the actual conversation at hand is the most hot-blooded.


... we'll win. Just believe that we will win.


Protecting the citizens of the Imperial Capital is our duty... no. Isn't it our very pride!?


... yes.

... I have to admit that given how ridiculously easy Sakura is to deal with (just choose any response that contains some measure of hot-bloodedness), I have the feeling that their everyday conversations would all turn out very, very similar if they ever got married (assuming that it wouldn't kill Ogami in the process, of course).

ESPECIALLY if he masters the art of replying to his wife while not actually listening to anything she's saying.


Darling, what do you think of this dress?




What do you think we should have for dinner?


Never give up! COURAAAGE!!


Darling! Good news-- I'm pregnant!!





Because I... think that I'll be able to regain my courage by tomorrow.


... I got it. In that case... see you tomorrow.




Would it be a problem if I locked the door behind me?


... why?


Well, I'll actually be able to sleep well tonight if I KNOW that you're confined in a locked room.


I'm not staying locked in this room all night!


Yeah, I figured that you wouldn't agree to--


No, I mean, I can't believe that you thought a locked door would restrain me!


... oh, right. What WAS I thinking?


Now that we've dealt with pretty much everybody, it's time for Ogami to do something responsible for the first time in MONTHS: ask for more money.


Yo, c'mon in.


Please excuse me.


Ha ha ha no.


But I haven't even ASKED yet!!


Well, it's gonna be about something that either directly or indirectly pertains to your physical or mental well-being, right?


Well, not r--


Ha ha ha no.


Manager Yonedaaaaaa...



... yes, it is. The limits to the Koubus' abilities, along with our budgetary problems...
Manager... would there possibly be anything you can do about this?








You just used a roundabout way to tell me to shut up, mind my own business and do my job, didn't you.


What're you talking about? I've always appreciated the utterly useless contributions that you throw out in a hilariously bad attempt to validate your existence here at the theater, m'boy!


... I kind of preferred when you DIDN'T sandwich your already-painful statements between layers of sarcasm, sir.


Yeah, but it's a great way of relieving stress. You're the greatest punching bag a manager could ever ask for, m'boy.



... understood. Please excuse me here.


Now that he's gotten everything that NEEDED to be done out of the way, Ogami is finally free to socialize with normal people. People who, amazingly enough, AREN'T capable of tearing him from limb to limb: the theater girls!


Isn't there... something ELSE that you should be doing?


Okay, so maybe he's kind of been neglecting the theater girls for the past few chapters.









... wait, dammit, that's not it either.


You're really off your game tonight, aren't you.


Well, YOU were really off your game in today's battle!


(... GOD I wish we could just get to the multiple choice boxes alr--)


What, so you can reduce every woman you talk to into an easy three-choice question!?


Wh-- how the hell did you know what I was--


I'm so pissed that my frustration's turning into the source of my worldly powers, okay? Jeez.


That's not even--






And create some freakish endless loop of apologies? NOT ON MY WATCH.


It looks like I was a little irritated. Besides, all this must be... harder on you than it is on me, isn't it.




... you have no idea. Some days, I think the whole theater's out to get me.


You only think that SOME days? Wow, we really need to step up our effo--


I mean, that's too bad, Ogami-san~!


... look, I honestly don't know how many more paranoia-inducing revelations I can take before I snap like a brittle--


You don't KNOW how many more paranoia-inducing revelations you can take? Wow, we really need t--








I mean, some days, we can't make nearly enough popcorn to last us the whole battle. And don't get me started on the freezy drinks and the 3-D glasses that Tsubaki keeps--


I'll pretend I didn't hear that, thanks.



I'm the one who always ends up being saved by you guys. It's only because you three are here that I can actually get to the battle.

... if this were a sitcom, this would be the audience's cue to go "Aaawwwwww" in a nauseatingly heartful fashion.

Since this ISN'T a sitcom, there are sick bags located underneath your seat for your convenience.


... only what's true. And it's not just in battle. You guys are always helping me out.


Yup, you guys sure do save me. Getting out the popcorn to watch me get thrashed instead of intervening and all.


We WOULD, but Ayame won't let us take a crack at the Shogeimaru's main cannon.


On second thought, too many cooks sending high-powered cannon blasts into our immediate vicinity spoils the soup, so you girls just keep doing whatever it is that you're doing.



Ogami-san... I'll forgive you.
So... Ogami-san, you have to make an effort to forgive yourself, too.


An effort to forgive myself...



... aah. I got it.


I mean, it's not like I was ever really blaming myself in the first place, it's just that the responsibility for our failure as a group will naturally gravitate towards me, so I figured that--




... er, what I MEANT to say was "woe is me, why am I such a bad commander, this is all my fault because this is the part where the protagonist always beats himself up."


See? That wasn't so hard! You're halfway there already![/i]

... I'm positive that this is the first time that I've ever actually visited Yuri chosen this option. Might as well give it a whirl.


If it's alright... could you give me my fortune? I want to know how my luck is.


Okay then, I'll tell you your fortune using this crystal ball.
I see it!! Ogami-san, for this month...
Your lucky color is yellow. If take care to stay true to yourself, then good luck might occur!
A lot of effort from a lot of people will definitely bond you all together. Take care to remember that.
If you choose the perfect time and a quiet spot, then you will make progress in your work. Face your goals and do your best, okay?

... basically, getting your fortune told is a very literal glimpse into the shape of the upcoming plot Ogami's future, so we'll just leave that aside for now.

Once you speak to Yuri, the "talk to Yuri" option is replaced with the most basic form of information-gathering: good ol' fashioned rumor mongering.


You're saying that the Koubu... might not be repaired?
To think that Kohran would so quickly give up on them...

... and now that we've discovered that Yuri really has nothing USEFUL to say to us... uh, we're done here!


... Yuri-kun. I should probably be going now.


Yeah, I got it. See you later... Yuri-kun.

NEXT TIME: An update that won't take two and a half weeks to post! Also, a minor path split.

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