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... except for the fact that Tenkai looks completely fine, despite his robot having blown up in a needlessly dramatic fashion.


Grk... that's... i-impossible... I, the great Tenkai, have been... Why!
Wh... why!? Has the land itself forsaken me!?


I-Impossible...! No man should have been able to defeat me!!


Well, I AM NO MAN!




Wait, can I do that one over? I think I fucked it up.


... no, I honestly cannot say that I see anything wrong with that statement.






Th-This shaking... the cave is collapsing!?




Dammit! All units, retreat!!




B-But how are we going to get out!?


I-I guess we find some way of doing the opposite of falling down a mine shaft for five minutes.


The cave is going to COLLAPSE in less than half a minute!!


Alright, so we need to figure out how to do this in less than thirty seconds. Anyone got an epiphany?


Well, no, but--













I'm jes' surprised that Tenkai was considerate enough t' have a set of stairs leadin' straight back up to th' surface.


How do you think we got down to Tenkai's chambers in the FIRST place?


Jump a billion feet down like any other rational human being would?


Walk through the entrance and past all the dead guards like any other NORMAL rational human being would?


Actually, we just waded past the the crowds of adoring admirers and merchandise sellers and waltzed down the emergency exit stairs.


... w-well, that WOULD explain the little Koubu keychain attached to Sumire's mech.


So you noticed!


Though that doesn't explain the little WAKIJI keychain.


... the good people of the Imperial Capital appeared to have been quite prepared for EITHER outcome, Ensign.



... so that was their spiritual energy? Even if that were the case...


It ain't just that. It was your own strength, too.


My own strength?


Ogami, why do you think that you became the captain of the Flower Division?


Because I've got one Y chromosome?


... close, but no cigar.



I thought that was... because I'm able to operate the Koubu...


Is that it?


... huh.


It's 'cause you're a catalyst.


A catalyst...?


That's right. It's true that the girls' spiritual energy far exceeds that of others.
But no matter how potent that spiritual energy is, there's no point if it's all in pieces.
The power to, with time, consolidate the girl's contradictory spiritual powers into one unified whole...
The Flower Division is, using your power as a catalyst, able to fully utilize that power for the first time.




(Holy shit... for the very first time, I have worth! Like, ACTUAL worth to the group as a whole, and not in a stress-relief and/or comic relief kind of way! I actually stand on equal footing with everyb--)



Sir... fuck you, sir.


Haha, it's this kinda stuff that just makes my day!


What, getting cursed out/propositioned to by overly-stressed men?


No, no, the sound of someone's hopes getting dashed from real high up in the air.


... ah, of course.



We've taken down the enemy's leader, so we'll be back to doing rehearsals tomorrow!






... by which I mean "mostly you," Kohran.


Thank fuckin' GOD.






Yes, walking up the stairs at a leisurely pace DOES tend to cause forgetfulness, doesn't it?


To be fair, a moldy staircase is not exactly the best place to stop and take a giddily ecstatic picture.


Great for flingin' some poor sap down to his untimely and ultimately messy death, though.


... and of COURSE you would know this, Kanna.


Well... yeah, ain't it common knowledge?


No, not exac--


It's not like I conducted multiple experiments by throwin' people down different TYPES of staircases and examinin' their remains to see how well their everythings broke and all.


O... Of course, Kanna.






Good god, Kanna and Maria are HUGE. I think Kanna's even leaning over a bit.


One and two, and-- victory pose...






Oh, Yoneda. Ruining picture perfect moments since the beginning of time.


Wait-- Commander...!?


Aah, Iris wanted to say it~!

(Also, ruining the hopes and dreams of little children.)


Well, every once in a while, eh?


Guess it can't be helped...




Now now, ain't this fine too? Huh? Daa~aah hah hah hah hah hah!!

And in the grand tradition of anime episodes of the 1980's...

EVERYONE laughs spontaneously for absolutely no discernible reason.

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