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The last part of the battle!

GameVee Version!

Right, time to abuse the fact that Ogami's the one with the big "let's change strategies" button.

Fire, for a quick 'n cheap boost of the ol' spirit gauge. Ogami didn't actually take any damage from ANY of Tenkai's attacks, since he was protecting Maria.

And back to Mountain, to ensure that the team doesn't die faster than it should.

With that, Ogami still has a nice number of attacks that he can throw out. At this point, in addition to all of his "allies" being dead, Tenkai's health is at roughly the halfway mark. Things are looking grim for the demon lord.

... and we're about to make things even grimmer.




Leave it to me!



Everything goes according to our non-existent plan.

There's your usual defense-dropping goodness...

... your usual Sakura almost getting stuck in the middle...

... your usual Sakura dealing damage...

... and your usual Sakura squirming to get back into the middle of the dogpile.



A bit of damage and attack debuffing later:


It's Tenkai's turn again! With any luck, it'll be the last turn HE'LL ever take.

Reason being? He can't actually unleash his final attack...


... and we can still bounce back from anything he tries to throw at us.

Oh, and fun fact:

Iris's normal heal can apparently tap /two people at once/.


Wha-- you can DO that!?


Yup! Iris was always able to do this!




... Captain, I made you aware of this multiple times.




I left multiple memos on your desk.


WHAT desk!?


Well... there's your problem.




... all that yelling can't possibly be healthy, Ogami-san.


Meanwhile, Iris stays back there to avoid reprisal, since I ain't sparin' anyone's turn to heal HER.

The rest is basically straight violence...

... though I swap strategies to Forest so as to allow them to actually be able to charge their spirit gauges.


Captain, did you just boost your attack power?




... Captain, he's about to DIE.


Look, you can never tell with these things, alright?


... I'd SAY that you're a quick learner, but for the fact that it has taken you almost half a year to understand this much.


I'll... I'll take what I can get.



Naturally, the last laugh...



... goes to Sakura.

NEXT TIME: Alright, seriously, this fight had damn well BETTER be over! ... pretty please?

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