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So, the chapter opens up with...

... the same FMV that ended the LAST chapter.

And a recap of the most pointless, most forgettable death ever.


Video links to the last FMV, in case you want a refresher (or just want to watch the Imperial Capital get horribly violated. Again). Linked for completeness's sake.

GameVee Version!



Hm... So this is the "Roku-Hassei Kouma-Jin"...

Or the "Six Destructive Stars Fallen Demon Formation," for those of you keeping track at home. It's only taken the Hive of Darkness half a year and the deaths of three of its highest-ranking leaders to put one plan into action!

Meanwhile, Satan puts in some time as a weather vane, gaining points in "loitering in a dramatic fashion at an unusual location" and "being mysterious for absolutely no goddamn reason." It's not easy being him.

The game loses no time in establishing that the Imperial Capital isn't ACTUALLY a smoking crater, despite what the previous FMVs would have us believe. Everything's just blanketed in a purple miasma of purplocity.

... the bastards bastard, singular, can't even get world domination right.

Putting aside the fact that the Hive of Darkness's sole victory is vastly overshadowed by its inability to do anything else, Tenkai always finds time for a good healin' bout of maniacally gloating laughter. Just like any camp good villain!


I am the leader of the Hive of Darkness, Tenkai! All creatures living in the Imperial Capital! Have you seen my power!?
If I so choose, by these powers of mine, I can wash away the blood of Western Europe...
And there is absolutely nothing stopping me from reviving the former Tokugawa shogunate!


Except for those meddling kids and their dumb Ensign, who've managed to stop you every OTHER time.


Shut up! You're not even HERE!


Meanwhile, every single citizen in the Imperial Capital looked up and thought "Damn, where can I get a big screen TV like THAT?"


To the Imperial Capital's pitiful citizens! The time you have remaining is... one hour!
That is, you have until 4 am to dissolve the government and surrender to us!
And as proof of your submission... submit ten billion from the Bank of the Imperial Capital's reserves, and the life of Lt. General Yoneda!

... since he doesn't actually have any flesh-and-blood underlings to PAY (besides Satan), it's really not at all clear WHAT he would do with that much money, besides possibly "buy Iceland."

And that's not even taking into account the fact that Tenkai could've just SEIZED every bank across the country with his vast powers.


If you cannot keep your promise, then... the moment of utter annihilation shall befall the Imperial Capital! Uwah~ ha ha ha ha!!

Meanwhile, at the Batcave ostentatious Western-styled mansion!

An incredible number of old men convene under the guise of the 42nd Annual Hemorrhoid Meeting. But little do most people know that it's something much more pressing! In actuality, it's explosive diarrhea.


Th-This sort of threat... hmph, how foolish... we must resolutely ignore it!


The lives of the Imperial Capital's citizens are our top priority! What should we do? Prime Minister!

[Prime Minister]

We have one hour left... if we cannot cast aside our personal desires...
Count Hanakoji... what has happened to that matter of Lt. General Yoneda's... Imperial Assault Force?


The what now?


Good god, man, don't you remember? That anti-demon squad. You know, the one with the trash can robots.


Them? You mean the guys that everyone just calls the Imperial Sick-Bastards-Who-Specialize-In-Mass-Collateral-Damag--


Yes. Yes, them.


... my God.



Yes. We have just received word from him.

FUN FACT: Count Hanakoji was, in fact, the person who gave Ogami his posting at the Grand Imperial Theater, as shown...

... here.

[Prime Minister]

No matter what, we have to stop Tenkai. ... no, we MUST stop him.
We cannot allow this Japan... we cannot allow it to fall under the feudal system of the shogunate again!

And now, the second and/or third "Meanwhile" in nearly as many minutes!


We'd taken her directly to our medical facilities immediately after that incident, but... she still hasn't regained consciousness.


I see... even so, I wonder what caused her to lose consciousness like that...?


Anyways, Ogami-kun. Please come inside.




... she's completely unconscious. She's been in that state ever since she collapsed.


Sakura-kun! It's me! Ogami!!




... and she's completely naked. Couldn't you have at least given her something to WEAR?


We certainly would have, if not for the fact that fabrics interfere with the medical treatment pod's mumblemumbletechnobabble systems.


In other words, this is part of the fanservice quotient that we've been lacking lately.




...and she's comatose, so she can't even object to being objectified and laid out on display like so much fresh meat, which is frankly kind of mortifyi--


Just get to examining her already, Ogami-kun.





(Gulp... n-no! I can't be such a pervert at a time like this.)


Well, Ogami-kun, YOU certainly haven't wasted any time.




Frankly, I'd be worried if they weren't. Keep looking, Ogami-kun.


IS there any point in making me ogle a vegetable? Besides for fanservice, I mean.


... there's only one way to find out, Ogami-kun, so hop to it.



(There's not one wound on her body...)


Sakura-kun... say something. Anything...




I have to admit that I didn't expect you to take Sakura's unconsciousness so hard.


She just has this way of growing on you, you know?


(Besides, I was sort of looking forward to having my own fanatic worshiper.)



(I've never seen her so expressionless before... it's almost like she's a different person entirely.)

Which would be quite the improvement, natch.


Why won't she wake up? She wasn't wounded at all...


I don't know... however, the flow of Sakura's spirit energy is rising abnormally.


Even though she's unconscious? ... what does this mean?


This is complete conjecture, but...
Due to the assault on the city, she may have entered a "trance state"...


Then... what's going to happen to Sakura-kun!?


We may be looking at a ticking, spirit-powered human explosive that could vaporize the remnants of the Imperial Capital any minute no--


... you don't need to run out of the room like that, I was just kiddin--


Ogami-kun! Get back in here!!



At this rate, we have no way of awakening her...
With this, the Flower Division... will have lost a valuable part of its combat strength...


Th-That's impossible! Ayame-san... please stop talking like that!


You're right-- I'm sorry. ... what in the world is wrong with me. To start saying things like that...


... to tell you the truth, I'm more broken up about the loss of her overpowered final attack than I am about the loss of her as a person.


Me too, Ayame-san. Me too.



At this rate, there's nothing we can do. No matter how much scientific progress we make, there's little we can do for the spirit...
... Ogami-kun. Let's leave her be for now. This IS Sakura, after all... I'm sure she will be alright.


... yes.





Well, uh...


Hurry up an' speak up, Ogami-han! There's good bettin' money ridin' on your answer bein' "she'll wake up eventually"!!


Well? She is never going to wake up again, right, Ensign?


Sakura's dead! Isn't that right, Oniichan!?




... too over th' top, d'you think?


Actually, I was just trying to decide which side to bet for.


You are all reprehensible human beings.


And I've got fifty riding on Sakura being dead.



Ah, um...


Don't worry. She's not wounded at all... she's just sleeping right now.




S-She's alright... she'll be all better when she wakes up...


Yeah! She's totally going to wake up! You girls aren't capable of dying!!


... Ensign... you're not being completely frank with us, are--


--well no I that uh erm--




... shouldn't we stop him from runnin' down the hallway and screaming like that?


He'll come back. He always comes back.


Maria's trust level goes up, possibly on account of Ogami being such a horrible liar that it's not even funny!


... everyone. I'm sure we're all worried about Sakura, but the strategy conference is starting soon.



This is where the pilot with the highest level of trust comes in and gives Ogami a pep talk.

... perhaps unsurprisingly, we get Kohran, who just about monopolized the last two chapters.

But this isn't necessarily a bad thing-- we need all the wacky happiness that we can get! Right?





Good lord, man, never try t' be cheerful again, ya creepy sunnovagun.


... I think I've forgotten how to smile.





Yer eyes ain't smilin' at all, an'... I can see straight through t' your feelings of unease.




But yer th' Captain, Ogami-han, so ya can't let on that you're worried even when you ain't feelin' so confident...


Yeah, that's true...


... but it's not like I've ever bothered HIDING my feelings, and that's worked out pretty well for me thus far.


Well, that's 'cause you're more simple-minded than a plate of beans, Ogami-han.


Now if only I could find some way to make my subordinates RESPECT me.



... hm?


This's a critical moment! Ya gotta throw your back into doin' your best!


... yeah!




Thank you, Kohran, the thought that you're always standing directly behind me and my exposed backside is more than enough to drive me into doing everything I can.


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