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The update will probably come... Sunday. With any luck.

little_firebird posted:

I tried, but couldn't even get past the first couple of episodes because of the VA-choice FAIL. which is why I'll never upload the English dub onto YT

Hey, I rather LIKED Kanna's voice actress.

Granted, this is mainly because the Brooklyn/Rocky-like accent she gave Kanna made me choke on my drink and cracked me the hell up.

little_firebird posted:

It's better than this design, at least

Oh, manga version Peacock and your manipulable boob hands with opposable claw things. I don't know what the fuck, either.

Also, ye gods  Ogami in Maria's bra. 

CannonFodder posted:

What the fu

... okay, no, I'm pretty sure that I don't even want to ASK what is going on in that picture.

And I KNOW that he's basically the father of the first modern super robot anime ever made, but still: goddammit, Go Nagai.

PunkBoy posted:

Yeah, I really liked that aspect of the TV series. Honestly the only thing that kind of irked me was that it seemed like every other line of Sakura's was either "Sumimasen!" or "Gomenesai!" Although it did seem like she got better by the end of the series. I thought everyone had a badass moment in the finale, especially when all the pilots got to do their special attacks. And is it just me, or does the dancing during the opening credits seem...oddly creepy? Like, everyone seems to have a dead, soul-less look on their face. And their movements seem eerily robotic. Chibi-Kanna leading and singing the ending credits was awesome.

They focused more on Sakura's overall greenhornness, which I liked. And to be fair, she had a LOT to apologize for, especially early on in the series when she  all but destroyed two Koubu just by freaking out. 

I dunno, the intro dance wasn't as bad as it could have been. For some reason, nothing scares me quite as much as the live-action version of the dance.

... also, I am probably a horrible human being for immediately understanding your reference.  Sacchin 

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