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Anyways, Sakura's up first.


As expected, huh. This time's performance was also a great success, so I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.


The autumn performances are already next. The time really flew by, didn't it...

And, uh, nothing of value was gained.


Time for Sumire!

Classical Japanese drama... also known as kabuki. Don't ask me about the production itself, though.


While I played the villain in "Journey to the West," I shall star as a mysterious and beautiful serpent woman! Just you watch, Kanna-san!


S-snake!? ... I-I'm out! I ain't joinin' a play like THAT!

Prey? As in the "wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean" variety?

W-wait it's actually an answer choice


I'd also want to become your prey, too...

And then Sumire dragged an unresisting Ogami away by the collar of his shirt, whereupon the Earth buckled under the force of their underaged romantic endeavors.



Nooooooo! Oniichan is mine. I won't give him to someone like you, Sumire!


Now, now...


Cut it out, there are children present.


Who, Iris? I am sure that she already knows--[/i]


I meant the Captain.


... I, uh, was kind of the person who instigated the conversation in the first place. Maria.




Oh! Yes, of course, I keep forgetting that you aren't a child, you just act like one.


I resent that remark, Maria.


Well, you ARE kind of an imbecile who couldn't command his way out of a paper bag.


I-I resent that remark, though I can't actually refute it.


Better smooth down some ruffled feathers before all-out war breaks out.


Thanks, Iris. There were so many guests today that it was really tough going.


Hey, hey, Iris also wants to try taking tickets sometime, Oniichan.





Oh ho, Ogami-han! At last, you've woken up t' your true callin' as a ticket-taker!


N-no... that just now, I was just acting diligent...


It's fine, ain't it, Captain!? No matter what the job, it's important to be willing.


You guys...


You have it all wrong! It... it can't be! I just... I...






Well, all that aside.


H-hey, Maria. Sorry about what happened beforehand.

It's better to get off to a cautious start, given all that's happened to


S-she's blushing again.


What I that this but it's not--

A-anyways, before I suffer an aneurysm...


N-no... I should be the one apologizing.


Man, what's with the both of you... did somethin' happen?

They're carrying on as if they'd been engaged in ruthless amounts of rating-breaking hanky-panky in an abandoned room somewhere, regardless of how un-risque the whole "I feel pretty" thing turned out to be.

Kind of makes me wonder what the hell kind of relationship the two of them'll HAVE if they ever get together, barring the usual "I will shoot you, Ensign /Please stop shooting me, Maria " hijinx, but anyways...



No, don't worry about me... wasn't that more of a shock for you, Kohran?



... t' be honest, it was. Even though it woulda been complete after jes' a little bit more...




Kohran, cheer up! True, it's a real shame that the robot got broken, but...


... even though you'd wasted this entire month of back-breakingly hard work and an incredible amount of parts, and even though this may have been my fault, every single bit of it...



Everyone makes mistakes. But if you let yourself get crushed by that, you won't be able to move forward.


To whit, "be happy, Kohran, and please don't take your mounting frustration out on me."




Oh, good. So, uh, assuming that your spirit isn't boiling in the direction of "torture Ogami"--


Fer chrissakes, Ogami-han, can't'cha assume that I'll act like a normal seventeen year old girl and that I WON'T twist yer body parts in fifteen diff'rent directions on a given whim?








... ow.


... ya shouldn't need t' break your brain jes' tryin' to visualize me as a normal person, Ogami-han.


Kanna time!


Eh, really!?
In that case, though it's a bit early... happy birthday.

... that...

Oh god, that's kind of sad.


... hey, Captain. How old do you think I'll be when my birthday rolls around?



Y, yeah, well...


Just as I expected, Captain. You really know your brigade members well.

And it totally isn't because it's listed in the instruction booklet.


... my oh my, that you would be this excited just by a birthday... such a congratulatory person.






Oh, that's right. We're having a party from here on out, huh.


That's right! In a nutshell, it's a party. Let's jes' have fun to our heart's content!!



I figure that this is the only answer choice that won't piss off one or two people, so.


Right then, let's start preparing right away! Everyone, to your positions!!





It's unanimous! Everyone's cheerful--

-- except for Maria, who's a killjoy.

Dammit, Maria, stop depriving these poor people of what may be the only good thing they'll be able to enjoy before the Imperial Capital's great collapse.


I rescind my remarks. Even Maria is happy!


A'right! Now that we've decided on that, let's get t' preparin'!


The preparations will be alright, but where shall we hold the party?


Now that the play is finished, would it not feel wonderful to hold a party in the dressing room?




What're you talking about, Sumire-kun? You alread do absolutely nothing when we're fighting, so...


Come to think of it, she never cleans up after herself when drinking tea in the salon, either.


Or after she's finished eating in the cafeteria.


Ha ha, Sumire, you're so useless.


Will you at least let me FINISH TALKING before you all begin roasting me?



Now then, Iris, please help Sumire, alright?


Ha ha, Sumire, you're still so useless.






Right, then I'll... what should I do?


Ichiro Ogami, Man of Action.



... huh? Everyone left while I was spacing out.


Okay... what should I do from here?






So alone.


NEXT TIME: No longer so alone , No longer so alone , No longer so alone , No longer so GODDAMMIT GUYS LEAVE ME ALONE

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