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Hey, remember when I said that Ogami'd be dueling against the lone horseman of the apocalypse?


Yeah, I meant Kohran, not Iris. Kohran is pestilence, mindless destruction war, famine, and death rolled up into one twisted little bundle. Besides, Iris is already an Elder God, and I think her schedule's too booked for her to sub for two positions at once.


K, Kohran... you look incredibly confident...


An' why wouldn't I be? I taught everyone in th' theater this here card game, after all.


... er, Kohran--


Rules, strategies, tricks... I know 'em all! Ah've been playin' this game since before half of you were born! I--


Kohran, you're younger than, like, half of us.


-- since before Iris was born! An' I haven't even STARTED teachin' all y'all th' more advanced concepts an' tricks!! This game's as good as mine!


Yeah, about that... I don't think you actually ever taught me how to PLAY this game.


Oh. Shit, really?


Yeah. I've just been kind of muddling along through luck and pattern memorization.


And... y'all managed t' beat the everlovin' christ outta everyone else in th' Flower Division? Without actually knowin' how t' play?




... so, uh, how many of th' girls did ya bang to--


None of them.


But there's no way that y'all could've defeated 'em through normal--


Look, what you're suggesting is horrible, stupid, suicidal, AND ill-advised! What the hell kind of person do you think I am!?


Horribly stupid, suicidal, and ill-advised?


N-not when it really counts!!



Don't tell me that ya think that you're no match for me and pull out or somethin', eh?


Like right now, for instance!!



Right, let's do this, Kohran! Laugh or cry, this is the final battle!!

The Final Koi Koi Tournament Battle.

Google Version!


WHAT calculations? Isn't this just a game of luck?


What're ya talkin' about? Look, Koi Koi is anythin' BUT a game of luck. The rules change constantly dependin' on certain environmental factors during play, f'r instance since th' humidity's approximately point-zero-five points above th' normal absolute terror line an' th' equinox of July is fifteen hectorates sideways below the non-linear derivative of f over x due to th' natural tiltin' of th' Earth, and since your spiritual energy's 'bout three centimeters above th' sailor uniform that you gotta jes' take it...


... I win by default.


I hate to break it to you, Kohran, but I'm not falling for that kind of bullshit.


Really? That's a pity, it worked when I played 'gainst Sumire.




Well, in her defense, she was piss-drunk at th' time.


... Kohran, you KNOW that spiking peoples' drinks isn't a good th--


Naw, naw, it wasn't anythin' THAT underhanded. I jes' wiped th' tables clean beforehand, an' she suddenly slumped over, gigglin'!


Wiped the tables using...?




Kohran, you're an asshole.


I assure you, it was jes' a coincidence! It's not like I KNEW that th' vapors'd cause Sumire to keel over!


Regardless, the first round goes... really, REALLY damn slowly.


Then, a scattered number of random cards was just enough to score a TAN.


One point in Ogami's favor!


I can turn this kinda thing 'round on its head faster than you can even REACT, I say! I ain't goin' easier on ya anymore!


(... ten minutes later.)


Y... you were saying?


Hush up an' gimme a few more seconds. I'll pull somethin' so strong, so powerful, an' so unbelievably potent that it'll--



BAM! Three Lights!



A six-point combo, Ogami-han! This game's as good as mine! None of your flippin' lil' one-point things! IN YOUR FACE!!


But... but Kohran, I scored that combo.


IN YOUR-- what?


I scored that combo. You lose those six points.







That last trick caught everyone but Maria-han, y'know.


That was on purpose?


Of course! Ya jes' gotta catch th' opponent off-guard, an' fast enough that they don't know what's goin' on. An' then by the time they DO figure it out, you've already deducted th' points from their total.


... aren't any of your tricks NOT below the belt?


Tsk tsk tsk. Bullshittin' is th' basics of card game playin', Ogami-han! You'll know better some day, when you're playin' Mahjong 'gainst th' President of th' United States or tryin' to win a gigantic card game tournament that'll decide th' fate of th' world.


First of all, I don't think I'll ever step foot in another country, and secondly... demons play card games?


Of course! Emperors, pharaohs, ghosts, zombie clowns... you name it, they play cards.


... huh. The more you know, I suppose.


And as the final round rolls by...

... right off the bat, Kohran scores a pretty powerful combo.


(Shit shit shit poo poo shit-- three points is a hefty chunk out of my score. I might be sunk if she keeps going, since she'll probably score bigger combos if I can't stop her in time. And since Kohran is ALREADY falling behind, she's got nothing to lose if she keeps going--)



(... or... or she could stop the game right there.)




... but I got ya jes' where I want you. With this, I got a decent chance at springin' back next round! Th' point difference is only FOUR now, so if I can score bigger an' bigger combos--


Kohran, that was the last round.




There are no more rounds. That was the last round. This is, in fact, the end of 'round' as it applies to this tournament.





But no matter. Ogami-han, you've fallen right into my trap! Eight is, in fact--


-- NOT greater than twelve, Kohran.


Tsk. I even managed t' catch MARIA with THAT one.


... HOW?


It'd take too long if I started NOW. In a nutshell, I jes' had t' convince th' opponent that reality is such that it could be POSSIBLE for eight to become greater than twelve-- and in fact, this is precisely th' case if ya--


Don't wanna hear it, Kohran.


Damn. You ARE sharp.



Right... I managed to win.


Even though I'd been goin' with straight wins, I was finally brought back down t' earth, huh.


That's because I managed to see through all your tricks, Kohran. Lessee... I should probably let Yoneda know that I won this r--





I'm everywhere ya don't want me to be, Ogami. I thought you knew that already!



A'right, let's get everyone gathered an' do the awards ceremony, shall we?


Can't it wait until tomorrow? I mean, it's getting late, and it'll take a while to get everyo--


You called?



I... I really should've seen that com--


... I-Iris, did you just show up twice?


Don't worry about it, Oniichan, that was just a temporal anomaly. Iris forgot to obey the laws of reality again~!




I have already lectured you about exercising your powers and trying to attain godhood, haven't I, Iris? What was it that I told you?


"If you're going to horribly rape the special theory of relativity and shatter it into a trillion pieces simply by virtue of your existence, please remember to put it back together again when you're finished with it."


Good. As long as you understand, it's alright.




... maybe if you stopped her from doing so in the first place?


I'm sure she'll grow out of it, Captain.


What, the phase, or the universe itself?




That's not very reassuring, Maria.



Lessee, the winner is...


Now, Ogami, you get this gold medal as your commemoration of victory. Take good care of it.


And then,




go up

a lot.


If everyone managed to grasp even one thing via this tournament, then it can be called a success!


(T... that's plausible, but what in the world can you gain through Koi Koi...?)


N, no... it's nothing.


What about the silver and the bronze medals?


What, you actually thought that I could be assed to buy more than one medal?


Well, yeah, I mean--


Manager, the medal's gold is scraping off.


'Course! It's gold foil, after all.


... Manager, this isn't the kind of toy that you find in cereal boxes, is it?


Ha ha! Not after Kohran was done with it, it--


-- er, forget I said anythin'. Alright, everyone, let's go.




Chop chop! Time's a wastin'! The night ain't gettin' any younger!


Wha-- why are you all running? Kohran, what did you DO to this medal!?


NEXT TIME: Nightly rounds, and a return to a semi-standard updating schedule!

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