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This is Sakura at the beginning of her turn. This is why poison is a complete and utter bitch to deal with-- three action bars aren't nearly enough to do anything with, and the only options available are "defend and wait for someone to heal you," or "heal yourself and get rid of the poison, but that's it for your turn."


... and that's why I'll have to ask you to retreat, Sakura. You won't be able to move the Koubu very well due to the poison, and--


... retreat?


Well, only until we can get someone over to repair your Koubu--


Re... treat?


S... Sakura?


Retreat? Have I... have I let you down? Did I fail to live up to your expectations!?


N-no! Not at all! Look, I just don't want you to, y'know, DIE or--


Don't worry about it, Ogami-san! If it's for you, I would gladly die!!


How the hell do you think the death of a pilot would look on my after-battle report!? No, that's perfectly alright! Just-- oh god, don't draw your sword-- your Koubu looks like it's about to explode! Just calm d--








I... uh, wonderful. That's... that's great, Sakura, now--



Well, I expected that something like this WOULD happen, so not rea--




Y... yes! Yes, you did. Great job, Sakura, we'll get someone over to repair your Koubu right away, so please don't go on any more disturbingly-effective berserker rages. Please.




(General rule of thumb: if she's not blushing, you haven't rocked her world enough to max out her spirit readings.)


... Kohran?


Wassup, Ogami-han?


I never thought that I'd be saying something that sounds so ridiculously improbable, but... good job getting those, uh, three-foot-wide bandage patches to heal a metal robot as if it were a flesh-and-blood organism.


Oh, it's no problem at all! These things even work onna flesh-an'-blood human, y'know.


Really? That's amaz--


-- any side effects?


Death by spontaneous combustion!


... doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?


Well, it gets rid o' th' affliction in question, don't it? Fire cures anythin'!


I... uh, right. Carry on, carry on.


The last remaining Wakiji makes a last-ditch effort at shooting the purple Koubu in the back, hoping to get away with one final act of vengeance on the armored maidens (?) that brutally murdered so many of its fellows...

... only to come up short when the white Koubu jumped in the way, tanking the shots with ridiculous ease.

The Wakiji managed to hit the yellow one as well, but then it remembered something extraordinarily important:

Rasetsu hadn't actually given the Wakiji real ammunition, having opted to rummage through the bargain bin for anything that would fit in its mounted cannon. Thus, as sixteen cents worth of chew toys, canned ham, and feather dusters pattered of the yellow Koubu's armor...

... the Wakiji fell to its knees and began to pray for forgiveness...

... right before the gun-toting Russian executed it with a series of expertly-placed shots.

This is why poison is such a useful little thing, provided that we're the ones dishing it out. Rasetsu is effectively crippled.

All he can do is charge up his spirit gauge...


... and make one half-hearted swipe at the team, dealing almost negligible damage.


Well-played, you dogs of the military! But once the poisons fade, I--


Sumire! Shut him up!


With pleasure!



Oh, you cheap bastards. You call yourselves warriors of justice!?


And that's why it's not cheap when we're the ones doing it!


... what?


I mean... look, y'know... we're the GOOD guys. In the name of justice and all that.


But, I mean... six on one, and you whip out POISON? How's that fair!? I--









Unnecessary amounts of force Vicious beatings Justice will prevail!


Not cool! Where's the fucking referee when you need him? I--





I got it!


Oh god, and now you're rushing me two at once!? Stop going out of turn, you cheating assholes! I'm telling on you! I--






Oh ho, on the contrary! It is YOU who is not half bad... er, wait, it is YOU who is the real fight upon which the real start shall...


... please stop attempting to act cool, Ensign. It does not quite fit your character.


In any case, you'll be getting a very indignant letter from the Hive of Darkness over this incident! AND a bill!


... a bill for what?


Look at this! You've banged up my robot something awful! Do you not have any shame? I'll also be sending a very harsh letter to the editor!


Hah? You're the one jumpin' in here and kicking the crap out of our towns, and you're complaining about your robot?


A letter to the editor? Oniichan, are we going to appear in the newspaper?


I, uh... after all this wanton destruction of the city, publicity is the last thing we need right now, Iris. Trust me on this.


Why not? We get publicity every day! I mean, our pictures and our true names are all over town on posters and advertisements for our theater's plays, aren't they?


... well, shit, when you put it like THAT, it makes me worry about the security of my job and--


Now's my chance!







Holy shit!


Hahahaha! Feel the power of the Hive of Darkness, and despai--


You did more than five damage a piece! That's amazing!


Yeah, I know! I actually felt that fer once! 's been MONTHS since I actually felt pain while ridin' this here thing!


Hahaha, that tickled Iris so much that she almost forgot to keep up her human disguise!


... you're not human. None of you are human.



Ensign? Allow me.


Right, Sumire! Weaken him the best you can for--


Weaken? I think not!




I have had it up to here with your relentless teasing, Ensign! My Koubu is certainly not the fastest, nor is it particularly agile!



And I am always rushing to keep up with the rest of the Flower Division! But just this once... just this once...!!







The spotlight...



... shall shine upon me!



Holy crap, did she actually get the last hit in?


Sumire? She actually DEFEATED something? Like, dramatically? Hey, Kohran, say it ain't so!


I, uh... y'know, with th' way that th' demon-driven mechanical soldier's sparkin', I think it's got less than half a minute t' live afore it goes up like someone smokin' in a gas leak.


Y... yes! I did it! I DID IT! I--



Iris will help!


Wait, what? NO! WAIT!


Kyahahaha! Too late!




O... okay, Iris, why did you throw him a little bit?


Iris didn't throw him JUST a little bit!


What do you-- HOLY CRAP!








Sh... she stole my last hit...






The only last hit that I shall probably ever get... she stole it...


... where's he going? He's not going to crater into America or something like that, is he?


Of course not, silly!


My last hit... it would have been so dramatically PERFECT...


Oh, whew, that's a relief, I--


Escape velocity! He'll probably hit the moon in a couple of seconds!


-- am going to ignore what you just said, so that I will actually be able to fall asleep tonight and NOT lie awake in complete and utter fear of your ridiculously powerful abilities or the fact that you do not appear to know the meaning of the word 'overkill.'



You did your best, Iris. Good girl.


When you sent my Koubu flying, however, I DID begin to wonder what to do next.


Well, it's alright, isn't it? I mean, all of can now fight together.


Yeah, but that she'd be able t' use her Koubu to that extent was a real shock.


However, Iris... from now on, you shouldn't go off and do your own thing.


Very well, as long as you understand. Now then... Iris, would you like to do the usual?


Hah hah hah. Well, I guess I'll have to get used to the fact that no one appears to give half a shit about the vast amounts of destruction that she'd wreaked upon the unsuspecting city, and that everyone seems prepared to forgive Iris as long as she says sorry.


O' course! I mean, she's an adorable lil' thing! What else d'you expect?


... let's just go and take that picture, okay?



One and two and...


Iris, wha-- arghoofblargh--





My last hit... Iris stole it...


Kanna, could you drag Sumire back to her Koubu and get her to suit up? I think she's broken.


Yup, no prob. C'mon, you prickly little cactus woman, up you go.


........ baaaaaaaaaaw.


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