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Go away---!!

Ogami braced himself for the inevitable blast of raw psychic power that would flatten him (or perhaps Sakura, provided that he could get behind her in time)...

... but the blast never came.

Ogami opened his eyes again, staring as the monstrous girl-demon waved her Koubu's arms around with increasing desperation.


I... I can't...? Why!?


No-- not monstrous girl-demon...


(... just... a little girl?)







(With... with enough power to pick up a crate and--


IDIOT!! Don't let your fear--











Ogami-san! Are you alright!?


That... that was WAY too damn close. At least it was just a crate-- that means that Iris's power is definitely--


Sumire-han! Are you alright!? Sumire-han!!


... not something to be underestimated.


Well, Sumire lived a fruitful (though not particularly long) life, and she will be sorely missed, assuming that we all come out of this alive--


I'm... I'm alright...




That's... that's good to hear and all, but given that your Koubu is not actually mostly THERE anymore... how!?


I... I ducked. Very, very quickly. Now will you PLEASE hurry up and recover Iris before any more of us suffer through near-death experiences!?


Welcome to my world.



Don't worry about me. Right now, Iris is more important! We've got to hurry up and chase after her!!





Ogami-san, this is our chance! If we act now, we'll be able to flank her!!


Alright! In that case, I'll go from the right! Sakura-kun...

While this is the type of decision that has brought greater men than Ogami to their knees, the cocktail of fear, adrenaline, and imminent doom rattling around Ogami's brain sharpened his mind to a fine cutting edge.


You go from the left! I'm counting on you!!







You called?


Wha-- why do you answer to "idiot"!?





Ah! You're already here!!

The world held its breath as Ogami weighed his decisions.


... and the fate of the universe hinged on Ogami deciding NOT to give Iris candy.

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