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These are our current stats: everyone's Full of Energy, except for Sakura and Iris. They're doing so-so.

Maria's ahead of the pack, followed closely by Kohran and Sumire. As usual, it's hard to say how things will ultimately turn out.

So without further ado--

-- a scene almost utterly without context.


Vengeance for my brother... I, "Silver-White Rasetsu", shall obtain it without fail!

Brother, brother... what in the world could this guy be talking about? I mean, it's not like we actually KILLED anyone last chapter, other than--

Last Chapter posted:

Oh. Right.


Well, let's just leave such genealogical mysteries aside and move on with the rest of the chapter, shall we?

Meanwhile, at the Flower Cave!


Somewhere, some time ago, someone thought it would be an excellent idea to cast Kanna and Sumire as the romantically-involved leading man and woman, respectively.


An' it was tha besht deshishon I'd ever made while havin' a 0.25% blood alcohohol content!



An' there's always good laughs t' be had when two people're beatin' the ever-loving crap outta each other!


Kohran, you know very well that we don't allow that kind of in-fighting here.


Well, THAT ain't no fun.


They could ruin the set if they're not careful. If they want to fight, that's what the parking lot out back is for.



Quiet now, Iris. They're in th' middle of rehearsin' their lines up there.


Iris, be quiet! Listening to others' lines is also quite important.

Regrettably, they ignored the warning signs.






We can charge money fer people to watch that kinda fight, right?


Oh, I don't see why not.


Yay for bein' government!



... Iris. Whispering is strictly forbidden while rehearsal is in process.

This, perhaps, served as the trigger.


I'm gonna go see Oniichan!



And thus began the longest two days of Ichiro Ogami's tragedy-filled life.



Tohohoho... just when I thought that I wouldn't be doing any ticket-clipping, I end up having to deal with all of these vouchers...
And I thought that I'd be able to take it easy until next week, when the "Love is a Diamond" performances begin...


... and then I remembered that Manager Yoneda's running this theater and that he takes immense joy in making my job here as miserable as possible.


How long did it take you to remember that?


Two seconds after Manager Yoneda ran a bulldozer through my bedroom window and dumped thirty metric tons of paperwork on the remains of my desk.


But isn't your room on the second floo-


It is.


Then how--


Don't ask.



Please don't grumble so much. This is an important job too, you know.


Well, that's true, but... whew... there sure is a lot of it, huh...


Now, now... just take a deep breath and let's get through it, shall we?


Though working until nightfall usually doesn't involve turning out the lights and playing what sounds like inn music, does it?


Please don't think too much about that, Ogami-san.



Yes, that was all of it. Thank you for your hard work, Ogami-san.


Well, well... in that case, I'll be excusing myself here.


Ogami-san, thanks for your hard work!




Um, Ogami-san... have you seen Iris at all?


Nope... I haven't seen her.


I've been making very, very sure of THAT. I've been hiding in--


The cupboard in the kitchen, the storage room in the basement, your Koubu's cockpit, the chandelier in the tea lounge, and under seat 14-G in the audience seats.




Oh, I know ALL about where you are at all times of the day, Ogami-san. Aaaaaall about them.


... aah. Right. Stalker power.





Did something happen with Iris?


Yes... she went off somewhere in the middle of rehearsal.


Well, this IS Iris we're talking about here. I'm sure she'll pop back up when you least expect it.


Believe me, I know this all too well.


Gosh, that's horrible.


Oh, like you're one to talk, Ms. Underpants-Thief.


It was only that one time!


I brought fifteen pairs of underpants to the theater. I have five pairs left.


Well, Manager Yoneda DID throw out all of your other outfits.


Okay, you've got a point there.



Well, if you find Iris, please tell her to come back to the stage, okay?


Aah, I got it. I'll let her know.


Yes, please do. Ah, also...
I'm thinking of cleaning out the large props room tomorrow- would you be willing to help out?


Er, let's see...


(I don't want to end up alone in a room with Sakura I don't want to end up alone in a room with Sakura I don't want to end up alone in a room with Sakura--)



... well, you only need to come if you have time, so if you can, please come by the large props room and help out.




Huh? That voice-- is it Iris?


Iris... what's up?


Um, you know, you know? Eheheheheh....


(I wonder what's the matter. She seems really excited...)


(... which means that I am completely and utterly doomed.)



Hey, Oniichan. Let's go on a date tomorrow!


Eek!? A date!?




Uh, Sakura--




Sakura, calm down, she just--




Oniichan, what in the world--







Because tomorrow is Iris's birthday, you know!


Eh!? Is that so!?


=====Decision Time!=======
OKAY, GUYS. There's a relatively major split at this junction, determining what happens during the first half of this chapter.

You've got about three days to help Ogami make a decision:
1) Go on a date with Iris.
2) Don't go on a date with Iris.

Both choices have potential for their own fair share of tomfoolery and/or dickery, and depending on the consensus, I might do a short blurb on what the alternate path would have resulted in, close to the end of this chapter.

... dammit, now I can't say "choose wisely" to be all dramatic and foreboding.


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