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So... starting from tomorrow, I'll be able to get the hell out of this theater, salvaging what little mental and physical health that I have remaining? YES, this's the best nightmare EVER!


We-hell~, I DID say "starting from tomorrow, didn't I? And you ain't the captain anymore


So? That just means that some poor sap's going to stand in my pla-


... no. You WOULDN'T.


Ah, but we HAVE!



Not WHOLE, at any rate.


No... NO!! The... the Imperial Capital is FINISHED!!


Kyahaha! What're you talking about, Oniichan? Of COURSE Iris'll do anything in her power to protect the Capital~! It'll be a waste to do otherwise!


Oh, good, you-- wait, "a waste"?


After all, the foundation of my new empire shall be built upon the sweat, the blood, and the bones of millions and millions of unsuspecting human subjects, much like the pyramids of the greatest God-Emperors of the Nile River!




Except it'll be covered in glyphs that shall cause all who look upon its incomprehensible glory to bleed uncontrollably from the eyes and kidneys. You know how these things are.


... not really, but I suspect I WILL.


Before or after I botched up your first impression of me by making a pass at a nine-year-old girl?


Hey, it's YOUR dream. I'm just following this script.


If it were MY script, you'd all be naked and this post wouldn't be worksafe.


Oh, we're saving our allowance of non-worksafe material for use in MY dream, so we can't blow it all just for YOUR piddly little dream.


... wait, huh?


Hahah, yeah... you'll finally be mine. Aaaaall mine. Hehehehe...


... well. Well, if this is just a DREAM, I'm not letting myself fall for anymore of these weird-ass little--


-- WOOF!!

I guess I can see how your expectations can be kinda jacked up if you yourself are a juggernaut of muscle and rampant destruction.


So... you HAVEN'T been upgrading me this entire time?


Oh-hoh, not at all! Those were jes' adjustments.


... what do you--


Initiate subroutine alpha, code mark-jellybean-puffball!


Wait, what're you *zzhkgt*



Heheheh... jes' as planned!


... WHY?!


Indeed, you are not fit to be captain.


Let's upgrade 'im!


Everyone... everyone...


You are...


You are...


Why... are you...


You've been... stepping on my toes for... the past five hours...


... isn't this the part where you shoot me dead?


My guns are missing. Why do you think I'm crying.


Huh? This is...


Ayame, with a distressed expression on her face... while wearing casualwear... and the both of us, alone in her room at night...


... I see, so it's turned into one of THOSE dreams. Let's get to it, then!


... Ogami-kun. While I'm once again impressed by your ability to vault out of your clothes in under three seconds...


... can't I EVER get a break around here?




This is....


Ogami-kun, you had collapsed in the library. Don't you remember?
I wouldn't have been able to carry you to the infirmary, and since it was already this late, I decided to carry you here for the time being.
... how are you? Do you still feel ill?


So that's what happened...
I'm really sorry. Somehow, it feels like I've been a burden to you from the moment we first met...


... but then, it feels as if worrying over people is something that matches my personality.
I've been looking after other people for such a long time...


Gee, then you must've REALLY been worrying when you bombed us from the air.


You're never going to let that go, are you?


(That sounds just like Ayame-san, huh...)




... I wasn't, by chance, moaning YOUR na--?


Iris's, actually.




Yes, you were screaming about that, too.




Yes, that as well.


... she's going to kill us all?


That was.... most of what you were screaming, actually.


If you wouldn't mind my company... I would be glad to listen to your concerns.


Am I... not fit to be captain?


... eh?


To tell you the truth... Maria told me that I'm "not fit to be captain!".
Was I... were my actions... incorrect?


Yes, what Maria said could very well be true.


... !


I'm TELLING you, you'd still have five pilots and one unspeakable horror of nature piloting these mecha for you.


Yeah, I'm just saying this to bolster your fragile little ego and ensure that you don't collapse into a nervous wreck upon hearing that your very existence in this brigade is kinda worthless and that you're replacable.


... so, I'm an awesome and indispensable part of the team, eh?


Attaboy, Ogami-kun.


You should refrain from taking such rash actions.


... I understand.


However. I'm certain that no one truly knows just what is right.
If you would allow me to speak my mind... Ogami-kun. You should not allow yourself to lose your way!
What's truly important is that no matter how it all ends...
You must continually put as much effort as you can into not having any regrets...






Hmhm... very good. In that case, please be on your way now.


Can I... can I go write my will and pick up some bulletproof armor before trying to--


Just GO.



So, despite the fact that he's still recovering from his wounds, Ogami's being sent off to risk life and limb in getting the nightly rounds completed. Again.

Shit, he really ISN'T getting paid enough to do this, so I think it's about high time that Ogami put off this talk with Maria and go dick around for a while.


At long last, we hit gold!



Sumire-kun, huh... she appears fairly confident.






... sadly, it doesn't take long for Sumire to tear Ogami a new asshole.


I... I give up...

To have succeeded in his battles against Sakura and Iris, only to be taken down by Sumire... Ogami's resolve hardened. He couldn't allow himself to be stopped HERE, of all places! He had to have a rematch, at least one last chance to prove his worth- nay, his very manliness!

And so it came to pass that Ogami had no choice but to whip out his suave charm.






Wha... what is it? What's the matter, Ensign?


. . .


I-I beat you fair and square, Ensign, I shall not budge one inch on thi--


. . .


ALRIGHT! I'll let you have a rematch! Just... JUST STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT.







Oh! Oh! How about THAT?! Blown away by my ability to play a children's card game!!


E-Ensign, that fire in the background... it really wasn't necessary...


You silly goose- it's anime drama. It's always necessary.


Looks like I somehow won...


You're fairly skilled yourself, Ensign. Very well done.
Though I have lost this round, I shall endeavor not to lose to anyone else!


Please do your best to get to first place in your remaining three matches.
Now then, I shall have to excuse myself here. Pardon me.


See you later, Sumire-kun.


Gee, I hope you'll be alright. Since, you know, I WHOOPED YOU SO HARD THAT YOUR DESCENDANTS'LL FEEL IT.


... if HE'S twenty years old, then I'M jailbait.


Actually, Sumire, you kinda--


I'm eighteen years old.


But you're sixt--


EIGHTEEN. We're being played in America, Ensign. Shut up and play along before the party van cracks down on us all.




... le sigh.

Apparently, we have a third floor because we're a bunch of bourgeoisie bastards.

Of course, the attic could also just be a dump filled with crates and, perhaps, a very nice view of Ayame the city.


Oh, is that so.... by the way, Ayame-san... what might you be doing up here?


Just a little.... you know. I was thinking to tidy up some of these old data reports...


Old data reports... the Imperial Assault Force's, you mean?


No, not quite. Older than that...
Further back... data reports from before I'd even met those girls...




.. the Cretaceous era?




Would you like me to help? Isn't it a lot of trouble to sort these data reports by yourself?


Thank you, Ogami-kun. You're very kind.


Ah.... no.


But... I was just about finished for the day, and....
I still... don't have the courage to look at all of them.




Now then... I'll be heading back now. Ogami-kun, I'm leaving Maria in your hands.



... I should really think before I speak.




This Ayame-san... she's got this really happy expression on her face...

Just one photograph... that could very well last Ogami for the rest of his life.


Now then... I should get going.

NEXT TIME: With any luck... [i]everyone

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