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The epilogue! ... such as it is, of course.

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For chrissake, Ogami-kun, they're called Kouma. K-O-U-M-A. We've only been talking about them for the entire battle.


N... no, ma'am, I've been asking that in the "why the hell" sense, not the "what're they called again?" sense.




Which was indeed hinted at earlier in the chapter.


Well, hey, Kohran, it's a good thing that the Koubu were able to last through the entire battle without incident, right?


You betcher boots, Ogami-han! And it's a good thing that there ain't any baddies left t' push us right over th' edge~!






Yeah, Ah figured that somethin' like this'd happen.


Then why the hell did you--


Dramatic timing. It'd be better t' bait th' damn thing out now rather than when we're flyin' home in our big vulnerable 'splodey blimp.



Welp, it's the ranged ones that're up to bat, with Maria blasting away like some badass Russian version of Quick Draw McGraw.


Um... Maria, you DO know that this isn't the shooting booth and that you don't have any excuse for failing at--








Quantity over quality, Maria-han! That's th' spirit of China right there.


... is that really something to brag about, Kohran?



One punch in the face...


... and a second one immediately afterward.




Sakura! Iris! You're up!!






Captain... was it really such a bright idea to send our only major healer to fight face-to-face with the demon that specializes in melee fighting?


I was... kind of hoping that Iris'd have been able to pull some special demon-talking power and make it not attack us or something.


What? They aren't even the right type of demon!


Huh? Er, wait, that's not--


Are you saying that all demons everywhere are the same, Oniichan!? Speciesist! Speciesist!!


... can we finish this conversation when we AREN'T all about to die? -- Sumire! Kanna! I choose you!


And here come the cavalry.

... the burning super-powered face-punching building-jumping steampunk cavalry from hell.


Take this! Dance of the--





... goddamn it, Sumire, please stop failing.


W-Well, perhaps if you actually DID something instead of standing back and issuing orders, Ensign...



... Kanna, having catapulted herself a good six stories up...

... is in the process...

... of deciding the outcome of this battle...

... all on her freakin' own.

Well, except for the one little bit that she needs Ogami's help for.


... Captain, maybe we shouldn't have attacked the Kouma one or two at a time?


Nonsense, Maria, we're like NPC ninjas: when we're all massed together against one opponent, we're bound to get our asses kicked. But when we get our chance to shine alone...







... we are unbeatable gods.


You just wanted a chance to look cool and get the finishing blow, didn't you.



... maaaaaybe. Also, ow.






Fzt crackle pop.



Y'know, maybe if you hadn't hinted at it so strongly earlier today...


... it woulda happened anyway, 'cept you'd be scratchin' yer lil' head over th' fact that th' plot twist came outta nowhere.


Well... yeah, you're probably right.


... the Koubu's seen better days.


The Koubu have broken down, haven't they...


Yeah... we've been together a long time, but they aren't usable anymore, huh.


*Sniff*... th' base machines an' their equipment've long since passed their limits.
These kids really worked hard. Now... rest easy, an' good night. My "Koubu"...


... even so, those monsters' attacks wrecked our armor. What in the world ARE they?


If those creatures appear again...




What're we gonna do? We can't use our Koubu, and we don't have any way of fighting against the Kouma. I mean, it's not like we're going to be able to get a Get Out Of Jail Free card or a set of Deus Ex Machinas or whatever, so--


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