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Epilogue to the... uh, introduction to the battle...?

GameVee Version!


And the Amaterasu sags, sparking like hell.


Did we do it!?


Statistics say that if ya hafta ask, Ogami-han, then we probably DIDN'T do it.


What!? B-But we poured enough firepower into the damned thing to take down any OTHER big bad! What could there possibly be left to do!?


-- and what statistics!?


Perhaps we shouldn't waste time asking these questions and instead continue pouring firepower into Tenkai before he has the chance to pull off a miraculous turnabout, Captain?


Well, yes, that sounds like a good--


... it's already too late, isn't it.


Yes. Yes, it is.



Behold!! My streeeeeeeeeength!!

Look to the left!

Look to the right!

Look tOHGOD.



Should you really be standing there, Captain?


I'm sure that if we all stay together and stand firm in the face of adversity, we'll persev--


-- where the fuck did you guys all go!?


Tactical retreat!


In other words, we're not stupid enough to stand in the middle of an obviously magical, obviously deadly demonic rune object.


Ey two, Broot?


... good lord, you're never allowed to try speaking ANY Romanic languages again, Captain.



The power to reduce plants to ashes, sunder the solid earth, rend the sky above... give it all to meeeeee~!!

And thus begins the intricate ceremony that will infuse Tenkai with unspeakable amounts of power!


... which... seems to involve him absorbing demons straight into his robot.




Th... That's impossible...!?


Marvelous! It feels as if endless power is flowing into my entire body!


What staggering demonic power! Ch', with only the fighting force we have now...


We might not be able to destroy Tenkai's second form! Which just so happens to look exactly like his first form!! And--


... I'm sorry, but I just can't keep this shit up. What the hell, Tenkai?


What? What are you blathering on about? Why aren't you quivering in fear at the might of the all-powerful, all-awesome Amaterasu Mk II!?


Well, that's because this is somethin' that we Chinese people call "it hasn't actually changed one freakin' bit."


Poppycock! Satan stated quite specifically AND repeatedly that the Amaterasu would have a super-strong second form, and that he was not (quote unquote) pulling the wool over my decrepit old eyes!!




He also reassured me that the Amaterasu is a supremely powerful battlemech and is NOT, in fact, just a bunch of spare parts slapped together on a whim! Truly, Satan's newfangled bot-building designs are more than newfangled and bot-building than you will ever be!!


... man, I feel like I'm on the set of one of those "I Can't Believe That People Are This Stupid" radio programs.


Actually, this's more like "I Can't Believe Someone Convinced A Decrepit Old Man That This Can Of Horseshit Is Butter And Sold It To Him."


Impudence! You are speaking IMPUDENCE at me!!



Now, it is MY turn! Here I go! Uuuuuoooooooiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooh!!


I am not the type of person who would stoop as low as saying "I told you so," but...


I TOLD you that we should have curbstomped him before he got his miraculous and exceedingly well-timed power-up, Captain.


Well, given our prior experiences, it's not like it would have done anything ANYWAYS.


Yes, but it would have been quite cathartic.


Look, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but-- why do you always talk about blowing off stress? I mean, what's gotten you so keyed up?


Before you came to the theater, Captain, I was acting squad leader for a solid handful of months, and essentially the only authority figure who could actually keep everyone in line.


I... I still have nightmares.


... oh god, I am so sorry to hear that, Maria.



No way. It can't--




Oh god. Oh god, it IS.


Everyone... so you were alright!


But of course! The day we cannot easily destroy an unspecified number of enemies is the day we... uh...


Can't destroy an unspecified number of enemies?


Basically, yes.


... come to think of it, after all your talk about the main character making her dramatic re-entry, why was SAKURA the one to pull that off?


Well! I was simply feeling generous enough to give that unfortunate country pumpkin a chance at the limelight!




W-What? Why are you looking at me like that?




... alright, fine, she pushed me.





Tenkai... with this, we're evenly matched...


Wait, so if y'all are thinkin' that seven-on-one is an even match, then what th' hell does that say 'bout your confidence in our fightin' abilities, Ogami-han?


Well, the more of us there ARE to pick up the slack, the less of a problem it'll be when one of us inevitably fucks up real bad and/or suddenly go batshit insane.


... 'cause that's somethin' that happens on a regular basis.


Look, I KNOW that you've calculated the chances of that happening. Tell me that that isn't accurate.


... well, a'right, ya got a point there.


Alright, now now that Tenkai's pulled out the completely average caster Wakiji who will probably die in a handful of hits (or a well-placed area effect attack), we're even MORE evenly matched.

... riiiight.


Love... justice... you're just infatuated with that manner of phony sentimental rubbish!
I will not be defeated by the likes of you, you who have forgotten that which lurks deep within your own hearts!


Like hell I've forgotten! I mean, even I feel a bit of guilt every now and then over all of those innocent civilians that've died whenever one of us or our airship gets careless!




Really, Kanna? I thought that it would be buried more deeply than THAT.


Meh, I don't think too much about it, so it hasn't really sunken IN-- unlike, say, the Captain, who has to deal with the paperwork every waking moment of his life.


... oh god why'd you have to go and remind me that we're such horrible human beings?












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