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... a thief!?

Finally! Tension, danger, and freaky people sneaking in after hours to raep snag an autograph! This is what Ogami's role as the nightly rounder is all about!

As such, there's only one correct choice here:

It's bouncer time.


Give it up, you damn thief!!

And with a meaty thwack, Ogami stands triumphant, his fist-- a beautiful right hook!-- embedded right in the abdomen of--

... his boss.

... who slides to the ground in a crumpled heap of beaten old man.

Oh jesus.


Wh... what!! I thought it was a thief or something, but... M, Manager Yoneda!?


Don't tell me, I mistook him for a thief when he'd just come looking for sake...
Wh, what should I...

We should probably sweep his body under the carpet try to restart his old man heart so that he doesn't DIE.




Manager, I'm so sorry! I mistook you for a thief and, without thinking...


'Cause I was sneaking around while looking for sake... can't be helped if you'd make that kind of mistake.

... well. I said it once a billion times before, but I'll say it again:

Best boss EVER.




Once again, all's well that ends well.

Hopping back upstairs to the salon... well, Koi-Koi's over, but it's still a happening place.

For instance, we've got the second part of Yuri's chained events. Remember this conversation from the last chapter?


Oh! That's great!!



She's sure taking a while...


Huh? Yuri-kun, what happened to those new clothes?


Eh, ahahahaha! I'm not feeling very well today!! Um... maybe next time.



Well, THAT'S all kinds of awkward.

Which, naturally, leads to awkward answer choices.

None of these really work, so I guess I'll wait to see what other choice pops u--

... ha ha ha argh.

For every awkward situation--



-- there must be an equal awkward silence.

But hey, whatever... works?


Until then, look forward to it!


Aah, I got it.

And with that, she skips off to, I dunno, make those clothes bigger or go on a starvation diet or something like that. Whatever the case, CONFLICT RESOLVED.

NEXT TIME(S): Letter from home, Bed Bath and Beyond, Stars , Wash On Wash Off, and Don't Try This At Home Unless You Want To Be Arrested On Charges Of Being Creepy As Hell.

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